it's all the same thing.

Feb 22, 2006 14:35

and i think about us, obviously, because i can't wait to see you again.
i think about us and you know what, we've evolved so much together. i mean, i never met anybody else who takes me up there, right up there, above everything and everyone, above me, and tells me : "ok, let's look at this together. what do you see ? mm, mm, mm. and what else ? yeah. what do you think ? how do you feel ?" and suddenly the a much bigger picture takes place. like an eagle, my love. we are just like eagles, my love. my sweet, sweet love.

and people go on and on about my age, and how i look older, and how i'm so young, and how i'm mature and stuff, but what they don't see is the fact that this is natural. it's much more natural to live in love and in peace and in contentment with discipline and honesty and truth than to fight with ourselves to be able to fit in this moule this whole human tribe created for us. so what they don't see it the fact that they could, also, do it. just, do it. be natural. be themselves.i don't feel different and i don't feel extraordinary. i mean, i really do feel that every soul is extraordinary. that every soul is doing their best right now and that this -meaning, the present situation : NOW- is just so perfect for what they planned to realize in this second.
Wether the people notice the gift in the second, accept the realization, this is the free will everyone is going about, this is the choice.

so, basically, your choice in between accepting the gift, or continue living in your old thoughts, and that is just as perfect for what you are right now, for what you need to do. your choice is between joy and joy. god and god. heaven and heaven. you can experience it any way you want, it will always be god.
or this energy. or this Whole Oneness of it all. it's all one, can't you see ? it's all the same thing.

so who are you ? tell me, please. raconte-toi.
Qui Es-Tu ? qui choisis-tu d'être, maintenant ?
i don't care if you don't feel you are that person, yet. it doesn't matter. what does matter is : what do you choose to be, right now ?

because physically, i mean, at a cellular level, we truly are different at each funcking second of our life. each second, we are this new person, physically speaking. a whole new body.
new, new, new. what are you gonna do with all this fresh matter ? are you gonna choose the old thoughts, words and deeds ? or are you gonna choose that YOU you want to be ?

so please, now that we stated that if you choose too, it IS possible to be whatever you want to be,

si généralement, mes posts ne demandent pas de réponse, et si souvent, souvent, je me moque de savoir si il y en aura ou pas, celui-là en aimerait une. de ta part.
si quelqu'un désire une traduction, qu'il ou elle lève la main.
j'aimerai commencer quelque chose de nouveau entre nous.
une nouvelle sorte de relation.
let's start with you. you. you. you. you.
tell me, who are you, at this second ?

[and if you feel a little shy to expose yourself on this virtual public space, then has got a lot of intimate space to offer you. feel even more willing to share intimacy ? let's book a meeting, sweetheart. i'm ready to give time.]

âge, patrick, define

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