Jun 09, 2003 23:11
I had a long discussion with a friend last night about god and stuff to that nature. I think she thinks I am atheist now. But I think she might have misunderstood me. I am just worried about what might happen in the future dose life go on after death? Have you ever felt like you are being watched by your dead relatives that maybe they are checking up on you once and a while to make sure you are doing ok? I feel like my walls are breaking down and I am ready to scream let everyone know that I am the one that is crazy that I will make myself happy that I am just... I am going off on a tangent now. Sorry I have been crazy lately. What is it to have love in your heart is it just one more thing to cause pain? or is it something that would make you happiest beyond all belief I am not sure. I know when I had it I was the happiest I have ever been its hard to explain how something like that would make you happy. but without it I am a wreck a shell of a man a person who would rather die or be left alone so people would realize that I hurt inside 70% of the time I am just good at covering it up. a lot of the times I just keep quite and hope no one notices I also miss all my friends. I feel like I am being left out. love is in you. I realize that I have written a bunch of crap that makes no since sorry I will try to do better I am just clearing my head.
When all you want in life is to be loved and you can't even find that.
Love Joe