➤ 007

Jan 05, 2011 20:12

slick trigger finger
snsd/super junior, dbsk/snsd; hyoyeon/siwon, tiffany/yunho; pg; 3116 words
hoot au (i.e. secret agents)

i started this a few days after the "hoot" mv came out and finished it....half an hour ago lol :| it was really difficult to write for some reason, but i like the way it came out.

alternate title:

and ready.......

to KILL.


"Girls' Generation." Taeyeon laughs and shakes her head. "That's what they're calling it."

Siwon smiles, swirling his wine a little. "You have to admit that it's strange having so many girls all coming in at once."

"Well of course it is. But I think it'll be nice." Taeyeon toys with the stem of her glass, gazing at it thoughtfully. "There are usually so few women in SME. I'll be especially glad for the one joining me in computers, I think her name is Seohyun? It gets boring, always being surrounded by men. Smelly, too." She winks. "No offense."

Siwon chuckles. "None taken." He sips his wine, lets it roll over his tongue before he asks, "So one is in computers. What do the rest do?"

Taeyeon smiles and leans forward so the arm she has resting on the table pushes her cleavage up over the top of her dress. "They're all like you."

Siwon raises an eyebrow. "Like me?"

"Gorgeous. Charming. Incredibly intelligent, and ruthless as hell." Taeyeon's eyes gleam. "The perfect spies."

Siwon smirks and raises his glass to his lips. "You flatter me."

"It's the truth." She sits back, tossing her hair over one shoulder. "You can say thank you by sleeping with me."

Siwon laughs outright at that. Taeyeon never was one for subtlety. "If you insist."

"I do." She slides out of her seat and readjusts her dress while he pays for their drinks. She wraps a hand around his arm and follows him to the car parked outside, where he opens the door for her like a gentleman, then gets in on his own side and presses the button on the dash. Taeyeon smiles and leans over to kiss his cheek.

They're half a mile away when the bar explodes.


Jessica is an enigma. She's given the nickname "Ice Princess" a week after she joins the agency because of how cold and calculating she seems. (She's also rejected everyone who comes on to her, men and women alike, so Siwon thinks that it's really just the bitterness speaking.) Siwon happens to be in the shooting range one day when she comes in, and he isn't at all surprised to see that she hits the bullseye every time.

"Nice aim," he says when she goes to the vending machine for a bottle of water.

"Thanks." She turns to face him, her eyes automatically scanning him. Siwon feels like a target. "I don't think we've met." She puts out her hand to shake. "I'm Jessica Jung, Mr. …?"

"Choi," he answers, taking her hand and kissing the backs of her fingers. "Siwon Choi."

She looks at him appraisingly. "I've heard a lot about you. SME's number one agent, known internationally for remarkable skill in the field…" Her eyes flicker down his body. "And in the bedroom."

"People exaggerate," Siwon says simply. "I'm very good at my job, but I wouldn't say I'm the best."

"No?" Jessica takes a step forward, tilting her head back to maintain eye contact. "And what about the rest?"

"That's something you'd have to judge for yourself," he murmurs. "But seeing as you've turned down everyone in this agency, I doubt I'd ever get the chance to show you."

She smirks. "Try me."


When Siwon's assigned to a mission with Sunny, he thinks there must have been a mistake. She can't possibly be a spy, this sweet, bubbly girl. He can't imagine her ever doing another person harm.

That impression changes very quickly once they're out in the field. Sunny is swift and merciless, taking out anyone who gets in their way without the slightest bit of hesitation. She slams her gun into the face of a guard who refuses to tell her the combination they're looking for until he finally relents, spitting out a bloody tooth. She hits him again to knock him out while Siwon opens the safe and switches out the documents.

When they get back to their car, she turns to him, beaming, and says brightly, "That went well."


Siwon actively seeks out Tiffany when he learns that she's as devout a Christian as he is. He knows he's sort of an anomaly: most people in SME aren't religious, and even fewer of them are spies as well. Taeyeon's boss Heechul is always poking fun at Siwon for it. "I'll never understand it," he'd declared one day. "Your religion says 'thou shalt not kill' and yet that's what you do for a living. What sort of sense does that make?"

"God has a plan," Tiffany answers when Siwon poses the question to her. "I don't know what it is, but I know that He set me on this path. I believe that this is what I'm meant to do."

"You're meant to shoot people?"

"Only in the arms and legs," she says serenely. "I don't kill if I can help it."

They start making time for coffee and Bible study, and eventually more and more people start coming, even the ones who'd left religion by the wayside years ago. Heechul still scoffs at them but there isn't any malice in it. Three months after it starts, SME's top five agents come back from their year-long mission in Japan, and Yunho shows up at the very next meeting. He and Tiffany start dating two weeks later. Siwon is oddly touched by it. It's like a reassurance that love can still happen for all of them, that they're not as broken as they think.

He mentions this to Tiffany one day as they're walking to their cars, and she stops and pulls him into a hug. "Thank you for introducing us," she murmurs. "We're so happy, and I'm glad we're making you all feel good, too." She looks up at him. "I think, in this line of work…we forget how to trust people."

Siwon kisses her forehead affectionately. "I trust you."

it might be his imagination, but Siwon thinks the smile on her face is a little sad. "Me too."



Siwon collapses next to Hyoyeon, peering around the opening to the cave to make sure they weren't followed. Satisfied that they're alone, he turns back to Hyoyeon, already taking off his jacket. One of the bullets had clipped the outside of her thigh-nothing major, but she could potentially lose a lot of blood. Siwon pulls off his shirt and then his undershirt and starts ripping the latter into strips. Hyoyeon steals the small flask of whiskey he keeps hidden in his shoe heel in case something like this happens and takes a swig before pouring it on her wound. The only noise she makes a quiet hiss from between her teeth: She's strong. Siwon respects that.

He binds a wad of fabric around her leg, making sure it's secure. "The bleeding should stop within the hour, but we'll need to wait at least another two before we get moving." He glances at her. "How are you feeling?"

Hyoyeon shrugs. "Like my leg is on fire. I've had worse, though, I'll be fine. You should put your shirt back on, it's cold in here."

The cavern is wet and dark. Siwon can't see how far back it goes. He does as Hyoyeon says, then looks over and realizes she's shivering. He frowns and pulls her against his side, careful not to touch her thigh.

She smiles up at him. "Thanks."

Siwon studies her in the dim light coming from the opening. A minute passes before he realizes they've both been leaning towards each other until their mouths are a breath away from touching. He hesitates at the same time that she does and starts to pull away, but she wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him in. It's a brief, chaste kiss, but the flick of her tongue against his lip when they pull away tells him that if they were in a different situation it wouldn't be.

They slip out three and a half hours later and manage to get back to their hotel, where people from SME are waiting for them. They whisk Hyoyeon away, but not before she presses a number-her real number, not the phone she has for business-into his palm with a wink. Siwon smiles at her and burns the paper once he's memorized it.


"Thirty seconds," Siwon says.

Yuri takes a deep breath and wipes the sweat off her forehead. There are three colored wires in front of her, one cut but the other two whole. It had started well enough with her cutting the green wire only thirty seconds in, but then she'd stalled, hesitating between the red and the yellow.

"Ten," Siwon starts, silently urging her on. "Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two-"

Yuri grabs the yellow wire and cuts through it decisively. Her worried expression melts away when Siwon says, "One…zero," and the machine doesn't set off little sparks. "There," she says triumphantly. "Defused."

"You guessed," Siwon reminds her. "You could have just as easily picked the wrong one."

Yuri shrugs, pulling her hair out from its ponytail. "It would have exploded either way. Of course that's not an excuse," she adds quickly when she sees his frown, "but if I'd done nothing, I would have been dead for sure. I'd rather take my chances."

Siwon studies her thoughtfully. Yuri is bright and she has a lot of potential, but Siwon thinks she relies on her instinct a little too much. "Just make sure you don't lose your head in the field," he says finally.

Yuri grins at him. "I never have."


If Siwon's honest with himself, Sooyoung is probably his favorite. Tiffany brought her along to their weekly prayer meeting one day, and Siwon liked her from the moment she smiled and introduced herself. They aren't supposed to have any real emotions invested in their relationships with other agents, of course-that sort of thing could get them killed. Nonetheless, Siwon feels an almost brotherly affection towards Sooyoung. He helps her with her shooting, and she reminds him that there's more to life than the missions.

They track a diplomat through the streets of Paris for two weeks, and it's the most fun Siwon has ever had on an assignment. Sooyoung never forgets what she's doing, but there's an ease to her every move that Siwon envies. "You just have to relax, oppa," she tells him cheerfully as they peer through binoculars at the apartment in the building next door where the diplomat is seducing his mistress. "It's like that old proverb, 'rigid things break more easily.' Or whatever it is." She replaces her binoculars with her camera, carefully focusing the telescopic lens.

"I used to be able to, but as you get older, you get more cautious."

Sooyoung laughs out loud at that, turning to look at him a little incredulously. "You're like 25."

Siwon shrugs. "This job ages you fast."

"True." Her smile is as bitter as one of Jaejoong's, and Siwon wonders what she must have gone through to merit that expression already. "Aha," she says as the diplomat pulls the woman's legs up over his hips. "Gotcha."



Yoona is the perfect spy. She's clever, charming, a quick thinker, a master of disguise, and gorgeous to boot. It's hardly two months before she's officially named one of SME's top spies. She's gone every other week on some mission or another, but she never seems tired at all. Siwon asks Jessica once if she's jealous at all, and she shrugs. "Yoona's always been good. Who am I to judge her for it?"

"You've worked with her before?" Siwon asks, a little surprised.

Jessica freezes for a split second but recovers quickly-if Siwon weren't trained to catch that sort of thing, he might not have noticed. "We were in the same agency years ago. I never went on any missions with her, but we ran into each other a few times. She's a sweet girl," she adds, looking up at Siwon from under her eyelashes. "You should get to know her."

He's given the chance on his next assignment. She's a wealthy young lady of society and he's her handsome boy toy as they attend party after glitzy party to scout out a millionaire accused of hiring mercenaries to kill his cousin, Korea's Secretary of Defense. She has a seemingly endless supply of cocktail gowns, low backs and subtle shimmer to accentuate the diamonds in her ears and around her throat. Siwon finds it alarmingly easy to lean in and tuck a stray hair away as he murmurs his observations. Yoona makes a show of tilting her head back and laughing, and Siwon has the sudden urge to press his lips against the pulse point in her neck. He settles for placing a hand on the small of her back (it's in character, he tells himself) and guiding her towards the table next to the target's. She keeps glancing at the man out of the corner of her eye, licking her red lips, and it's only a moment before he's approaching her for a dance. Siwon nods his head in acquiescence and watches them twirl around the floor, her head against his shoulder and his hand where Siwon's had been only a minute before.

Yoona takes him out in his hotel room, a clean, silent kill. She lets Siwon in once she's sure nobody heard, and the two of them sweep the room for any incriminating evidence. "You were good tonight," Siwon comments once they're back in the car.

"So were you." Yoona smiles at her reflection in the sideview mirror. "If I didn't know better, I'd have believed you really were jealous." She pulls her hair out of the coil at the base of her neck and slides her hands through it until it lays in loose waves over her shoulders. "Too bad this is all just business. You look good in a suit."

Siwon keeps his eyes on the road. "Too bad."


Siwon doesn't have much contact with Seohyun, given that she works in a different department. Whenever he drops in on Taeyeon in the massive security room with a view of every camera in the building, Seohyun's there, humming to herself as she types or does paperwork. She's quiet and bookish, from what Taeyeon tells him, but there's something about her that Siwon finds intriguing. He comes in to see Taeyeon one day to find that she's been called out, and he falls into conversation with Seohyun. He learns that she's brilliant, with an IQ of 158, and originally wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. "With your brain?" Siwon asks, astounded. "Why not a college professor, if you really wanted to teach?"

Seohyun shrugs, keys clicking rapidly as she fills in a spreadsheet. "I like kids better than adults. Not that it matters, really, I already have this job. It's a good opportunity, and I can always teach later if I want to."

Siwon nods. "Smart choice." He glances at Seohyun's computer screen, then frowns and leans in. "Wait, this math doesn't make any sense," he says, pointing to one cell. "I think you entered the wrong thing here."

"What? Oh!" Seohyun flushes and bites her lip. "Oh gosh, that's so embarrassing, thank you for pointing it out to me."

"No problem." Siwon glances at his watch and curses. "I'm late for an appointment, but I'll see you later."

"I'll tell Taeyeon-unnie you stopped by," Seohyun tells him. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes.


Siwon crouches as he makes his way through the flaming rubble, holding his gun tightly. He has no idea what's happened, all he knows is that he was held up by traffic on his way to find out his new assignment, but when he got here the SME building was half gone. It's only a matter of time before the police arrive, and Siwon's determined to find out as much as he can before they do.

He hears a cough and whips around to see Sooyoung standing there, her face pale and smudged with soot. "Come on!" she yells, beckoning him over. "Taeyeon just sent me a text, she and Seohyun are safe inside the security room."

Siwon hurries over, ducking under a stray beam. Something in the back of his mind notes that she's wearing all black, as if she was just about to go on a mission. "Who else is in there?"

Sooyoung shakes her head. "I don't know, that was all I got from her."

Siwon nods and the two of them make their way towards the center of the building. When they reach the room, Siwon raps on the door in the pattern only SME agents know. It opens a crack and the muzzle of a gun points out at him. "Taeyeon? It's Siwon," he calls, "I've got Sooyoung with me." The door swings open, and Siwon steps inside before he processes what he's seeing. Eight women are standing there, all wearing identical black outfits. The same one that Sooyoung's wearing.


Siwon opens his mouth to say something, but he's silenced by the sound of nine guns being cocked.

From behind him, Sooyoung says, "Don't bother asking who we are or what we want. We're not going to tell you."

Taeyeon levels her pistol at him. "Drop your gun and get on your knees with your hands raised."

Siwon does as she says, his mind whirring. "This is-you've been planning this for years," he realizes. "Since Taeyeon got here."

"And none of you saw it coming," Sunny beams.

"We'll give you a chance to defect," Jessica tells him. "But you know too much to live if you refuse."

Siwon looks up and catches Tiffany biting her lip as she stares at him. "Where's Yunho?" he asks.

"Don't worry about him," Tiffany says softly. "He already made his choice."

"Come on." Jessica nudges him with her boot. "We don't have all day."

Siwon turns things over in his mind. He doesn't want to die, of course, but he also doesn't know if he can trust them. For the first time in a long, long time, Siwon Choi has no idea what to do.

"Time's up," Taeyeon says. "What's your decision?"

Siwon stares at the floor for another few moments before he finally comes to a decision, but when he looks up, Sunny is coming at him with a dark cloth. "Sorry," she says, not sounding at all apologetic. "You took too long, so we decided for you."

The last thing he sees before the world goes black is all nine of them smiling at him.

concrit → pm or dadilada@gmail

♕: seohyun, ♔: siwon, ♕: yoona, ♕: taeyeon, ♗: kpop, ♖: tiffany/yunho, ♕: hyoyeon, ♘: snsd, ♘: dbsk, ♕: tiffany, ♕: sunny, ♕: yuri, ♖: hyoyeon/siwon, ♝: mv, ♕: sooyoung, ♕: jessica, ♘: super junior, ♙: pg-13

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