✠ application for capeandcowl

Jan 31, 2011 20:37

NAME: Dera
AGE: 19
JOURNAL: tealite
IM: winter palaces (AIM)
E-MAIL: lose.your.mind.on.all.my.candy[at]gmail[dot]com

FANDOM: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
CHRONOLOGY: The end of episode 9, part one: If The Angels Wore Swimsuits.
CLASS: Villain. Causing others pain and misfortune is how she rolls. She'll even bring popcorn! And she'll probably keep her tags so she has a place to live.
SUPERHERO NAME: Mistress Lacytanga
ALTER EGO: Scanty, who will probably get a job selling ~fashionable clothing.

Panty and Stocking takes place in a fairly straightforward modern time line in the fictional metropolitan location of Daten City. Aside from being densely populated, Daten is described as being a place sitting on the edge of Heaven and Hell (the same is even a play on the Japanese "fallen angel"). Because of this, the city is often plagued by monsters called Ghosts that were created out of the wayward souls that never passed on to either world. These Ghosts are eliminated by a pair of angels rejected from Heaven named Panty and Stocking. In order to gain access to Heaven and be pardoned for their bad behavior, they must collect the coins that the Ghosts have inside of them. The show executes the adventures of these two heavenly beings through the wonders of toilet humor and strippers.

Let's continue, shall we?

Scanty and her younger sister Kneesocks were introduced in Les Diaboliques. As stated previously, Panty and Stocking took a temporary leave from school to fight Ghosts and collect Heaven coins. When they returned, they were greeted with the halls of Daten High lined with beige uniforms and goose-stepping students. The "Queens" had returned to their school being something of a police state. Not to mention that they had been dethroned by the "daughters of the mayor".

As it would turn out, the daughters had really taken on the air of being the new Queens of Daten High, complete with unfurling red carpet and hoards of men ready to carry them to every destination. Panty and Stocking were unable to believe that any two people had the ability to flip the school upside down. But as they soon learned, Scanty and Kneesocks had an agenda. Said agenda was to reform the school and turn it into a completely new and strict institution. The angels would have none of that and tried to reclaim their place at the top by taking on the new rulers in a battle of supremacy. In every single challenge, Panty and Stocking were defeated horribly and found themselves banished to the lowest class in the school "The Loser Class" with social rejects like Brief and others who had failed to become anything in the social hierarchy. They discover that the Ghosts that have been plaguing the school are being created in a factory that Scanty and Kneesocks have put together. It was at that point that-- for some reason --the angels figured out that the Mayor's daughters were actually demons. As if the red skin and horns couldn't give that away. As angels, Panty and Stocking had a duty to eliminate them. A battle ensues that... destroys the school for the most part and also results in the the factory being dismantled.

After the Ghost Factory incident occurred, the demons meet once again with the angels in a casino. This casino was created by Scanty and her sister for the sake of farming money from the patrons in order to feed another Ghost who would wind up destroying the world by eating all of the currency and plunging every country into financial ruin. Kneesocks rigs a game of roulette to make Panty and Stocking waste every cent that they have, forcing them to surrender their clothing. All... While Scanty waits in the wings, just watching on monitors. Lazy? Maybe. But would she really want to give herself away while her sister can sport a convincing mustache? All kinds of disguise logic applies here.

Once again, the sisters are foiled by Panty rolling the right number and getting all of her money back. This sucks the life out of their Money Pyramid Ghost and reduces it to a single brick that is routinely exterminated as Scanty and Kneesocks "bid them adieu~" in their limo. Angry. Again.

The next bright idea? Zombies. The demon sisters decide to unleash a hoard of zombies upon a town that Panty and Stocking are dispatched to protect.

The catch?

The serum that Scanty and Kneesocks have created make these zombies immune to holy weapons. Obviously, this cannot go wrong, so they sit atop a hill and drink wine while Scanty watches the destruction gleefully through a set of theatre glasses.

The citizens below find themselves hold-up in a sex shop and have to figure out a way to kill the zombies using their only resources: the stock of products in the shop. The idea probably looked good on paper, but using sex toys to defeat zombies is something that would probably only work in the universe of Dead Rising. It fails miserably and Stocking and Panty find themselves zombified. Have Scanty and Kneesocks actually defeated the angels??

No! That'd be silly! Scanty jumps for joy, spills the serum and gets herself and her sister killed. Everyone in the episode winds up dead in some way, shape or form.

And returns in the next episode completely unscathed. That next episode happens to take place in some bizarre courtroom-type game show called "Judgment Day". Panty and Stocking are accused of killing a friendly Ghost and will promptly be executed if convicted. Why is this plot relevant? Because Scanty was disguised as the horrible game show host, that's why! The entire show is a ploy by the demons to, once again, defeat Panty and Stocking and turn people against them.

As the angels are electrocuted per the choice of the audience members and the viewers at home, it proves to not be enough power to kill them. Scanty lets her voice slip out as Kneesocks-- the other announcer --ups the voltage. When Kneesocks points out the vocal slip and pleads to her sister about possibly blowing a fuse, her skin begins to turn red.

Lo and behold, the fuse does blow, tearing Scanty and Kneesocks from their fake bodies. The trial ends with Panty and Stocking being innocent and a monkey being the one who proves it. A damn smart monkey that the demons stupified with a brain-altering machine. Another one of the dumbest ideas ever devised. In their defense, Kneesocks admits that she is bored of the games anyway and the sisters take off in their limo, leaving everyone to deal with the mess and wonder why they even bothered with such a horribly thought-out plan.

The next run-in with the angels Scanty has is at the public beach. The public beach that doesn't stay public for very long when the demons decide to instate a rule that it is now their own private property. Again, Panty and Stocking will have none of these rules and challenge them to a volleyball game to determine whether the beach stays public or not. Said volleyball game goes on as normal with Scanty and Kneesocks getting themselves pulverized by the angels. Until the turnover. Suddenly, they start winning and it looks like there may be hope yet. Stocking finds something about the ball to be amiss and as it would turn out, Fastener the Zipper Rat has been controlling the ball in the demons' favor.

Since Scanty and her sister have decided to fight dirty, the game turns into a legitimate battle of Heaven and Hell, both parties using the powers bestowed upon them by God and Satan respectively. This... threatens to destroy the whole world, obviously, but the game is much more important.

The demons lose and have to surrender the beach to the public. But not without unleashing a hoard of water-based Ghosts and taking off in their limo. Scanty is so upset over the horrific loss she just faced, that she hits the self-destruct button in a fit of rage and blows herself, Kneesocks, and Fastener sky high.

She will be pulled from that point, but the rest of the series rounds off something like this:

After that defeat, they must report to "The Mayor". The Mayor is actually not their father, but rather their higher-ranking, bondage-obsessed commander Corset. They list off their failures and wind up being severely punished for losing every single time.

The next plan is executed at a party held by the head of the Rock Foundation-- Brief's father. Scanty disguises herself as the daughter of the Mayor once again and holds up the facade throughout the party until the announcement of her engagement to Brief. Brief refuses to marry Scanty because he loves Panty. This enrages Scanty who blows her cover-- Kneesocks joins in on that, as well --and says that she will destroy Panty.

Panty, who has no powers because her virginity has been restored, proceeds to get herself throttled by the demons until Brief runs off with her. Skip ahead to Panty trying to have sex with Brief (which is painful and doesn't happen), and Corset appears with Scanty and Kneesocks, kidnapping the boy in order to use him to unlock the Gates of Hell. They torture Brief in order to try and open the Gates. But Panty shows up to save him. How is she going to save him? By declaring that she doesn't care about not having her powers anymore! Corset agrees to let her do what she wants with Brief, assuming that she wants to have sex with him to try and restore her status.

... Scanty and her sister openly mock and chide Panty about how she is now a virgin again and how "scary" Brief must be, complete with rich bitch laughing all around-- until Scanty winds up with Panty's underwear on her face and begins to flail about as if she has been sullied. Panty has sex with Brief and the sheer power of it all... blows them away. Scanty and Kneesocks are ordered to destroy Panty before she can regain her powers and they leap into action with guns (and scythes) a-blazing.

Only to be stopped by Stocking, who has returned from Heaven and chides Panty about not being able to do anything by herself. Battles happen. Brief falls from the sky! And proceeds to accidentally unlock the Gates of Hell with his penis by landing on the keyhole. Corset now has his power maxed out and proceeds to bind his servants to his arms, making them into living blades-- much to their horror. He kills Garterbelt and tosses them aside.

Panty and Stocking summon their BFG weapon-- who is their mother, apparently --and crush Corset, supposedly defeating him and saving the surface world. And as everything returns to normal, Garter is revived and the last we see of Scanty and Kneesocks is the two of them peeking out from behind the church after Stocking betrays her sister and revives Corset.

Heartwarming, I know.

Scanty (along with her sister Kneesocks) was introduced about halfway through canon with a rather explosive introduction. While Panty and Stocking were off hunting Ghosts and skipping school, they lost their status as the "Queens of Daten High" to the daughters of the mayor-- complete with a limo and a red carpet upon every appearance. Upon their return, they found that the entire school had been turned upside down. Uniforms, new food in the cafeteria, and a heavy set of rules were shoved down their throats-- and they soon found out why. Scanty and Kneesocks are both obsessed with rules and enforcing strict standards. They will go out of their way to boast about them and have no problem bringing woe and disappointment to anyone who happens to fall into their power. However, while they do all they can to make sure everyone follows their rules, they have no problem breaking them to benefit themselves.

Pull Scanty away from her sister and you will find a rather atypical "rich girl" underneath the red skin. She likes looking fashionable, having things swayed her way, and has a particularly expensive taste when it comes to food (snacking on bleu cheese and figs while drinking expensive wine). She is a bit spoiled and not nearly as level-headed as her sister. While Kneesocks prefers to be technical and more of the brains in their plans, Scanty likes to act on occasionally childish impulse to ensure that everything goes her way. Her impulses tend to get ahead of her brain more often than not, however, becoming the hubris in their plans more than anything else. For example, when zombies she and Kneesocks had created were doing their job, Scanty began flailing about happily-- only to spill the serum and wind up being mobbed by their own creations. On one other occasion, she was so upset over being beaten by Panty and Stocking in volleyball that she wound up hitting the self-destruct button in her limo and blowing herself and Kneesocks up in the process.

While a little egotistical and excitable, Scanty is far from stupid. She is the "leader" of the pair that consists of her and her sister-- the alternate of Panty being the leader of the Angels --and she does come up with elaborate plans that always keep her leader Corset's success in mind. Even if they fail nine times out of ten to Panty and Stocking's prowess and end in the Daemon Sisters being punished severely.

Kneesocks and Scanty prove to be quite the effective team in battle, using their near-mirrors of Panty and Stocking's weapons (and car for that matter) to trump them even if ONCE AGAIN they usually wind up losing. The sisters are also shown to be... very close, possibly hinting at an incestuous relationship through not only actions, but verbal tics. Scanty refers to her sister as "Miss Kneesocks" and likes to poke fun at how easily she blushes and likes being called "Oneesama" by her as well.

✠ Transformation -- She will be able to revert back to her "demonic" form, complete with her red skin and horns. In addition to that, Scanty will also retain her canon ability to temporarily take on the form of other people. This lasts for about three hours before she is forced to revert back into her original body. But when she is frustrated or angry, the skin of the body she has starts to turn red and her eyes go back to her original yellow-green color. So, while she is able to shift her form, she needs to maintain a certain level of patience or she will blow her own cover.

✠ In canon, she has the ability to create a pair of dual revolvers! ... Out of her panties. So she'll retain that, too! However, since straight-up shooting people would probably be a bit complicated, anyone (anything that can make conscious decisions or thoughts) who is hit by her bullets will be under her control following her rrrruuuuurrruuuus~~.

Except there's one slight problem: the person she is controlling is only under the spell for about three to five minutes before returning to their previous state-- which means that she can only extend the time by shooting the person again and wasting another bullet after they have snapped out of the trance. And while canon has the Double Gold Lacytanga as having GODMODE QUALITY UNLIMITED BULLETS, they will be reduced to six-shot revolvers that have a cool down time of about three minutes.

And because there is some godmodding involved, I will put up an OOC Permissions post so any plotting with Scanty and her powers can be discussed and approved by the muns involved ♥

[A young woman appears on the screen. She is lounging in a chair, looking at her nails before glancing to the camera. She speaks with an almost dainty-sounding voice, but isn't the least bit mousy about it.]

Good morning, citizens of "The City"~ [Scanty pauses, wrinkling her nose. What a strange way to address an actual city, but what does she care?]

This place is awfully unruly, isn't it? For a city that is supposed to be protected by "heroes", the lot of them are sure doing a bang-up job!

[There is a pause as she giggles behind her hand.]

But I think-- No. I know I have a prescription for this horrible illness your beautiful City seems to be plagued with~ [Scanty pulls up a rather long-looking piece of paper with lines and lines of swirly handwriting.]

Rules~! [She begins to laugh again, lips twitching in a wide grin. Her voice becomes a little strained, but does not lose that sweet sort of quality to it.] You would think that the idea wouldn't be so primitive, but I am soooooooo~ disappointed in what I've seen! You don't want to be a disappointment, do you, City? I don't think you do...

I think that you want to be prestigious. The best! Perfect.

[She sets the paper down on the table and goes back to looking at her nails.]

But it all depends on you. You can choose to follow them or disobey and face the consequences. [A familiar situation on all sides.]

And if you think that I cannot do it alone. You are sorely mistaken.

[A huff of breath spiked with an accusing glare, and the feed abruptly cuts.]

She hated to see the front room even the slightest bit... Off. That was the only word to describe it. Say a table didn't look quite right where it sat. She had to move it somewhere else so that it avoided offending her ever-keen eyes. Nit-picking things in the room brought order to an otherwise irritating and unfamiliar setting. No matter how long she stayed here-- no matter how long she was free from Corset or tailing the Bitch Angels, Scanty hated the unfamiliar territory.

But she never could put her finger on it.

"Hmph..." Scanty rolled her eyes, stepping over to her window that overlooked an impressive chunk of the City. The view was eventually obscured by buildings, cutting off what she could see. It wouldn't kill them to move. It wouldn't kill a lot of things to move and disappear. Or just to change. She had to change in order to be here. She had to give up what made her what she was-- even if getting huffy over a swap in skin color was a bit petty. It made her look like a human and reduced her to something that she would strive to control back in D-City. Humans were stupid and easy to shape into whatever a smooth-talking politician or bum on the street wanted. The citizens of the City were just that-- stupid, easily-led, and the perfect candidates for Scanty to play with. Hell, Kneesocks would probably have a field day here.

"What to do," she muttered to herself, fingers tapping along the cool glass of the window as she idly chewed on her bottom lip. If the people here offended her so, why couldn't Scanty just... move them? Move them like she did with her end table a moment ago. Move them like she did in D-City, the vision of unfurling red carpets playing on her mind. All it would take was a stern hand and a strict set of rules. Scanty's teeth flashed through her grin and a giggle fell onto deaf ears in the empty room, "I should get to work, hm~? If they won't fix themselves, I might as well make them~" Even if Kneesocks wasn't there to confirm her stroke of genius, it as there in spirit.

Maybe the City needed a hero who would do more than what they needed to get by. Maybe they didn't need a hero at all. Just someone with the brain and the skill to move things around until it all fell into beautiful and perfect reform.



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