Oct 26, 2005 10:46
This feels wierd... writting about stuff during the day. Odd. Hasn't been done for AGES!
Yesterday was a lovely, freezing cold day.
I had my poly/econ exam. Did not do so hot on that for the simple fact that I did not finish a portion worth 50% of the total grade. My mian problem was that I spent so much time on the 1st half that I did not have time to write a very good 2nd half. I am proud of what I did do and I am proud of the work that I have done for that class so far. That, my friends, is as good as I can ask myself to do!
Met with Blake yesterday to go over my spring sched. I talked to him for a bit about my feelings of unchallengedness. He reminded me that I dropped a class at the begining which would have put me at 20 hours. Somehting that I took at Cottey with 6 or 7 classes vs the five here with ease. However, the class was basically what I had done in my directed study, so I didn't see much point in it. We talked about me possibly getting some extra work in one or two classes next semester and I think that I might talk to Mockridge about some ideas for a directed study here on campus. I don't know what I want to do. I'm just... I dunno.
Went to the footy with Tim in the afternoon. That was when things were REALLY cold. There was wind and I wore no hat, which was dumb of me! We had a good time. The girls lost (thier last match, but who would have thought any different?). However, it was good to be outside and the company was certainly nothing to be scoffed at.
Today has already begun with out much adu. I am having lunch with a perspective student tomorrow which should be entertaining. Prof Melville recommended me which is a nice feeling.