I should really update on here more!

Aug 27, 2011 00:11

As the subject says...I should really update on here more. I do love my normal journal though. There's just something about actually writing. People just don't write anymore. And I always love a good session of typing.

So let's see. Where to start. It's been close to a year since I last wrote. Chance and I are still together. We actually live together. Well, we pretty much lived together since the beginning. When John and I broke up Chance and I were hanging out. It was just easier to stay at Chance's house instead of going home at two in the morning. And we were spending all of our time together anyway. I did move into my new apartment but still continued to stay at Chance's place. I only slept in my apartment two nights during the six months I payed rent. After a month or so of being at Chance's all the time, he suggested that I move my cat into his apartment. So I did.

At the end of my six month lease occured at the same time as Chance's lease ending. So we decided to actually live together. We found an actual house for rent. Our house is awesome!! It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two car garage, fenced in back yard, large front yard, and a doorbell! It's the friggin shit!!

I can't believe that Chance and I have been together for almost a year. Well as of sometime this month it will have been ten months. Which doesn't sound like a lot but it feels like forever!

Work's been alright. When I first started we had three managers. Then one left and we went down to two managers. This happened right after I trained as a shift manager. So we finally got a third manager. Who was awesome by the way. Well after like 7 months he decided to leave and help manage at a different restaurant. So now we are back to two managers. Our general manager decided that instead of getting a new manager in the store we were just going to run with the two main managers, promote two more staff members to shift manager and have one of us close every night. Well our store is employed by people who all have something against them as to why they shouldnt be promoted. They're either in school, or they don't have enough respect by the other employees, or they're just plain stupid. So instead of promoting two people they just promoted one. Well she was supposed to get promoted over a month ago but our general manager keeps putting it off. The more I think about it the more I think that she's not good enough to be in charge. It seems like our manager is realizing this and is trying to find a way to not promote her. If this happens though me and the other shift manager will have to close three nights out of the week. Which really isnt that bad. And it makes my checks twice as much as what I would be making if I were just bartending.

I am getting a little fed up with one of our managers. It seems like she's just never where she needs to be. We are constantly asking each other where she is. She's always cutting staff members too soon. And she always cuts the most important ones like the dishwasher and hosts. I know she wants to save on labor hours but it's just not right to cut the host! I personally hate walking into a restuarant and  not know if you're supposed to wait to be seated or just seat yourself. And then if there's no dishwasher one of us servers has to stop what we're doing to wash the dishes that we need at that particular second. It sucks. And what makes things worse is that nobody can say anything to our general manager because he will tell her who said that and then she will fuck your schedule up because she's a vindictive cunt


Other than that things are pretty good.

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