Fail Better

Apr 08, 2007 10:53

Thanks so much to everybody who sent their input on my domain name quandaries! I decided to go with, and the blog will be called the same. =) (Don't bother going there yet -- there's nothing there!)

Wheee! I feel very excited about this. My top two choices were "" and "" but the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the notebook. Besides which, after I thought about it a bit, I decided that "instead of writing," while cute and a little glib, might also be conveyed as a little bit negative -- and that's the LAST thing I want! =D I'd very much like any editors or publishers who wander by to think that I'm incredibly productive at all times (despite any evidence to the contrary). ;)


Started my revision process on the remix today, and I'm feeling a teensy bit nostalgic for my SotS days -- sent the first draft off to my inimitable beta and brit picker and thought, ah. I remember this. ;) Remember when I was bugging you guys on a WEEKLY BASIS??? What were you thinking, putting up with me? I love you all.

I found this community, novel_in_90, wherein members are encouraged to write 750 words a day, culminating in a 67,000+ word novel in 90 days. The rules are not strict; you don't have to FINISH your novel in 90 days or 67k words. The point is merely to be accountable for 750 words per day. Not, on the whole, an insurmountable challenge. Today is the first day of "round two" -- a second 90 days -- but I think you can feel free to throw your hat in the ring at any time.

Yesterday afternoon, I was surfing, reading a bit of fic, I think, and I started to feel this longing to write. Then I sort of woke up and said, "So WRITE, stupid!" I managed to crank out 1,500 words on the Los Alamos/St. Jude 2.0 project, which makes up for the 750 words I did NOT write on Friday. So far, I'm quite pleased with it.

I've discovered, I love writing beginnings. They come very easily to me. I love setting up all the foreshadowing and making people long to find out what happens next. It's the denouement that I'm not so good at. Eh. You live and learn.

As the "novel in 90" post says today,

Ever tried.
Ever failed.
No matter.
Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.

Samuel Beckett

Here's to failing better!

remix, writing

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