Nov 21, 2005 13:46
I've been organizing, and realized that a couple of my fics aren't housed on this LJ, but in random communities, etc.
In the interests of keeping everything together in one place, I'll be reposting them here this afternoon. Please feel free to ignore -- this is all stuff you've probably seen before, folks. =)
ETA: I've also gone through and updated all the tags. Clicking on "my_fic" now gets you a full and complete list of every fic I've ever written (except Sect, which isn't posted here). They're also sorted by ship, main character, etc. So, "remus_lupin" gets you the full array of Remus fics, just as "crack" or "songfic" will get you a list of those. Finally, anything that occurs post OotP, but doesn't comply with HBP, has now been taged "au." Enjoy!