Dec 30, 2007 09:54
On my first day back to work after Christmas I made a bad wish. This was Thursday. I had been fighting the sniffles for about two weeks. Thursday I said, "I wish I would get well, or at least sick enough to stay home and rest." Yeah.... don't say things like that.... cause the get well part didn't happen! :) I can smile about it now that the huge antibiotics are working. On Thursday evening I had 103 fever. My throat felt like someone had made me eat chopped glass. URGH. I haven't been that sick in years.
I called a friend who is a doctor, but not MY doctor. They have only lived hear a couple of years and I never had reason to switch docs. Well, my regular doc is on vacation this week (the NERVE!). So I called my friend and she worked me in Friday morning. YAY! She told me I had tonsillitis. WHAT? I haven't had that since I was 10! So anyway I got some great medicine and 24 hours later I was feeling much better. I still took two naps yesterday, but I got some laundry done. Today I feel even better and I hope to finish cleaning the house. I can't stand it when it gets this messy.
So to those who responded to my last post, I am sorry it took me so long to reply. I just fell to pieces after I posted it. :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I wish everyone a Happy and HEALTHY New Year.