Joys and pitfalls of compiling a recs list

Feb 13, 2011 20:00

At the Dreamwidth
hikarunogo community,
troisroyaumes is collecting a list of everyone's favorite Hikago fics of 2010. Go contribute to it if you haven't already.

  • There are many Hikago fics from 2010 I haven’t read yet. (That’s not a bad thing, but it’s a bad thing for compiling a rec list when you stop to read them).
  • There’s also fics I’ve read and like but haven’t commented yet (belatedly commenting also slows up the reccing).
  • I ask myself whether authors mind me linking.  It would be amiable to ask but  it’s a lot to have to ask every single one.
  • I need to keep a better track of things if I ever want to try anything like this again. I really haven't been noting things I liked, apart from in my head, and thats not much use to anyone else on the interwebs (I went off and got a Delicious account, learnt how to use it, played with it, etc. thereby further delaying the reccing). 
  • Manual coding for multiple links is a pain. There has got to be an easier way. MS Word should be able to do this without macros (I think I need a manual for Word 2010). 
  • Mediaminer is starting to look like a mueseum piece, but is still alive. On A03, Fics archived in 2010 may in fact be older. has tons of fic, but would it please the Dreamwidth audience? LiveJournal remains a maze where not everybody promotes their fic on the comms, but then that makes it like a treasure hunt, which is kind of fun, if a bit slow.
  • Its difficult to organise recs. What do you choose as categories: character, genre, length, original challenge…? What is most helpful to readers?

And, also at Dreamwidth, I learnt of
kaigou's panfandom fanfic survey,"Inspirations and Perceptions", which is already showing some interesting results and will only get better the more people take part.
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