Why fanfiction?

Jan 06, 2011 19:34

Some thoughts on reading, writing and what lies inbetween

As a reader I long for books that will sweep me away, writers than will impress me and make be aspire to be like them, stories that I adore so much I am in awe. For me its very rare, and rarer still are the books that speak to me about life such that I wish I could open the cover and step right in.

When I first discovered fanfiction I was astounded that writers would expend their energies (waste their time, it seemed) writing other author's characters rather than expressing themselves. But I think Ive understood now that fanfiction is more about being a fan of something than it is about creating fiction per se.

Fanfiction is about playing in another person's universe. It can also be a means of discussion criticism or character study - its getting intimate with the fabric of an original work in a way that is itself creative.

I think that's why I started writing fanfiction. Its fun and has become important to me because its unimportant in the general order of things: like many a good book, it reflects life while being totally outside it.
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