Seven days in sunny June were long enough to bloom

Apr 24, 2007 07:00

The only aspect in which I fail in my procrastination is that I eventually realize the effects of my slacking. And then I try to do stuff about it. So it's been yet another month since I've posted.

I've been feeling strange lately. I go to bed earlier and earlier (here's a shocker: Loraine in bed at 1 AM). And today I suffered from my annual 'conscience wakes me at absurd hour' day. 5.52 AM. At least I can find reassurance in the fact that my consience also has the same ridiculous 2 minutes before/past syndrome as the rest of me. And then, I just can't sleep anymore. I start sorting through my old mail and thinking of things I have to add to my "take this with me to Italy" list.

Anything change since my last post? Nope. Still feels like I see a second Loraine running circles around me, making my mind utterly dizzy. Still busy with Tanuki. Last week we had a Korean-themed party. "Kimchi"! And then actually serving kimchi as a snack and for some reason adding the dresscode Kommunist porn. Sometimes the amount of imagination our board has is mildy disturbing. This week holds yet another themeparty (classic Hollywood, Looi & Agnoek's birthday party), but most importantly... the big Tanuki symposium concerning the movement towards a pro-active defense policy will be held. Friday is going to be hectic hell. If you're interested in coming, by all means send me a mail and sign up!

Thankfully my holiday is coming up. Next week around this time I'll be heading for Milan with a bunch of Tanuki members.

Talk of Tanuki and photos can be found under the cut.

Nearly a year has passed since the whole Tanukiboard experience thing started for me. We still have a couple of big activities coming up, but today we start interviewing the people who will potentially take over our positions next year. It's strange that it all flew by so quicky. It is/has been a hectic ride, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Anyway, I remember promising a long time ago that once I had pictures of the board, that I'd put them up here for you guys. Better late then never. Tada!

So from left to right the Tanuki board 2006/2007:
Roxy - webmistress/ editor-in-chief '太狸記'
Me - Secretary
Bram - Chairman
Isaura - Treasurer
Marc - Assessor

And now for less serious pictures! KIMCHI-party!

Izzie, myself and Bram!

Gaurie and me, with one of my mentorkids in the background!

A typical example of how things get weirder as the evening progresses: I got picked up! Literally. By Gijs.

Oh yes, my camera is feeling neglected. So to my beloved readers. What do you want pictures of?

Stolen shamelessly from bri_chan

1. A is for age:
21. I'm physically an adult everywhere in the world now.

2. B is for beer of choice:
Subject to changes of mood and season. Right now: Rodenbach.

3. C is for career right now:
Fulltime government leaching.

4. D is for your dog's name
Yeah, I'm a cat person.

5. E is for essential item you use everyday:
Contactlenses! Ah, the ability to see.

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
House MD

7. G is for favorite game:
Uhm. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Or Civilation 2. Yes, I've embraced my inner geek.

8. H is for Home town:
H is also for Helmond. What do you know?

9. I is for instruments you play:
I remember attempting guitar several times. And to the immense annoyance of my parents, I once had a kazoo. XD

10. J is for favorite juice:
Mango all the way!

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
See my friends-only rant from a couple of weeks ago!

12. L is for last place you ate:
Outside the B-wing of the Pelikaanhof, while waiting for Looi.

13. M is for marriage:
In the future someday. Right now, I lack the years, partner and desire to do so.

14. N is for your name:
Loraine Hillery Gilsing

15. O is for overnight hospital stays:

16. P is for people you were with today:
Looi. But it's only 10.45 AM!

17. Q is for quote:
"Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one."

18. R is for Biggest Regret:
Lackadaisical attitude I've used in situations where I actually gave a damn.

19. S is for status:

20. T is for time you woke up today:
7.02 AM

21. U is for underwear:
Right now? Black and lace.

22. V is for vegetable you love:

23. W is for worst habit:

24. X is for x-rays you've had:
Once when I was little and once at the dentist.

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Muffins are yummy. Vanilla muffins not so.

26. Z is for the zodiac sign:

photos, meme, tanuki

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