10 Things I Hate About Wal-Mart

Aug 07, 2008 16:49

1.  The parking lot is always crowded.

2. Shopping carts in the parking space. WTF!

3. Too many damn people!!! So claustaphobic to me at least!

4. Most of their check lanes are closed, which leaves about 3 or more check lanes crowded with people. (But that's obvious.)

5. Their CDs are not in alphabetical order that I can't find what I want..

6. Not almost any employee is in the music/electronics section.

7. Stares!! O_0

8. I get angst everytime I go in the entrance.

9. Slow cashiers....need I say more.

10. Their is always this weird smell, and a mariachi band playing  right when you go into wal-mart (No lie...I speak from experience.)


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