May 15, 2002 21:05
fyrst i ros: these two jock ass-holes in my class were bullshitting this kid, but he was so naieve he believed them
fyrst i ros: and seb watched the whole thing take place
nostrebhtuca: hehehe
fyrst i ros: well, at the end, seb is talking with these two guys, casual conversation
nostrebhtuca: lol
fyrst i ros: and i notice that SEB has turned the table and is completely bullshitting them, and they're too naive to see it
nostrebhtuca: lofl
fyrst i ros: and eventually one of the jocks says "hey, will you give us extra credit, if we promise not to kill anybody?"
fyrst i ros: and the other kids like "yeah!!"
fyrst i ros: and seb raises one eyebrow at them and says
fyrst i ros: "i'll bring it up at the staff meeting tomorrow 'how would you feel if i give two students of mine extra credit to not kill anybody?'"
fyrst i ros: and these kids realize exactly how bad that sounds
fyrst i ros: and so they're all "aww seb you know we were just kidding"
fyrst i ros: but he pretened to be entirely serious!!
nostrebhtuca: lol
fyrst i ros: and so after about twenty minutes, and the class is done with one assignment he says "i would like to know how all of you feel if two students in one of my classes is offered extra credit not to kill anybody?"
fyrst i ros: and one girl is all "they need serious therapy!"
fyrst i ros: and this other guy is all "i'd beat them up!"
fyrst i ros: and then i'm all "muahaha, shock therapy."
fyrst i ros: and it just keeps going round the room, and these guys feel stupider and stupider
nostrebhtuca: jejejejee
fyrst i ros: WELL eventually, seb puts a transparancy on the overhead that says "write down one stupid thing you've done within the past ten days."
fyrst i ros: well these two guys think and think and think and think
fyrst i ros: and while the rest of the class is writing, one says to seb "i can't htink of anything." and seb's all "i can think of plenty of things, just within this class period."