a call to arms (a crisis of the sexual kind)

Mar 23, 2002 22:17

ulterior motives make me laugh. after all, what ever happened to being blunt?

you never see people get along simply on the basis of stating their needs...despite how practical that would be...simply because to do so would be regarded as brutish, and uncivilized.

but what the hell is wrong with being honest? why live in a society where beating around the bush (oh look, i punned.)...and or spending the socially acceptable amount of time socializing with the "fairer" sex to simply get to the point (oh look, i punned again.)

take my good friend soren here for instance, this 'poor' boy has a (growing and glowing) congregation of sexually pent-up girls drooling at his every whim.
and for some reason, none of them to my knowledge have ever come out and said "you're deep and provocative nature, and meloncholy arouse me! fuck me!"

why this is? i honesty don't know, perhaps it is some derivitave of that horrible notion of impulse control. or maybe perhaps it's an attempt to prolong the stage where masturbation is the only sexual contact.

either way, those who do this horrible little stunt should simply acknowledge the fact that,
1. life goes on.
2. your shy (as well as completely oblivious to that matter.)

get over it.
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