I can forgive you for any number of venial and mortal sins:
I could forgive forgive you for using me as a receptacle, a ego blowjob, any number of things.
I could forgive you for being such a fucking coward, and becoming so complicitly stupid and meek, rallying like a drunken uncle from a puddle pooling on your chest when aroused, random and radioactive. I forgave you for being perpetually poor and wallowing so deeply in your self-pity and dead god that you were drunk on your own misery, nothing else. I let that slide awhile ago.
I ignored and never pushed your own crippled sexuality and morbid disinterest in truth or in expression. I simply swallowed my tongue and allowed you to exonerate yourself of totalitarian sexual guilt and all but call me a faggot. I forgave you so many times, almost as many times as you wanted to get fucked up and touch eachother on all levels. I forgave you for that.
I forgave you for never paying the cost of me; I burdened myself with whatever weight and karmic debt and universal sorrow you required. And you required so fucking much. And I forgave you for that and furthermore I somehow was never angry at you for never once so much as lifting a spiritual finger to help me out. You never even knew my middle name. I forgave you somehow.
However dumb and tired it seems now, I forgave you for the orchastrated climax to that entire sodden summer. I reconciliated myself to a tiny fraction of what I wanted and I forgave you for granting it and then just letting me leave.
I forgave you when after I had deliberately spoken with you at best in terse passing at parties or through mutual aqquaintances, you moved down the fucking street from my house. I barely made it but after all of that I fucking forgave you.
I got over the New One, and your terminal penchant for slumming. I even didn't get angry at the way you manipulated and lorded It over me quite intentionally for quite a long time now, and ongoing. I am still forgiving you like water, daily and daily.
But thats the fucking terminal point of all that.
I will NEVER forgive you for reacting the way that you did when I told you I was going to Seattle and now not even deign to say goodbye, or even fucking CALL me to say "So long, thanks for...is it four years now?" Fuck that, and fuck you. You are unforgiven from this point onwards, kid.
God, fuck you for realsies.