Aug 22, 2004 18:23
It sucks that the Cannons lost by 2 to the Barrage but it was a good game. First Alicia and I had these alright seats and we kept moving down and we had these AWESOME SEATS, row 2, smack down in the middle. I also got some free stuff and bought some t-shirts. Sooooo many of the cannons player signed this championship towel they were giving out at admission! I love Connor Gill, #14! Next year, I want to go to all the Cannons game and I want to bring my stick for the cannons player to autograph. Overall, it rocked and at these lacrosse games, there are always super hot guys there. I am soooo jealous of all the people who got free gear from the players, like the players equipment, stick, pads, helmet and even CLEATS!!!
Can't wait till indoor starts! Well, I gotta go to start work. I'm out.