The song Taking My Life Away by Default makes me a little bit sad. Don't get me wrong, I love the song. It's just that it calls to mind a memory that elicits a strong emotion in me... one that I don't need to be dwelling on, because it's not healthy
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I have never heard that song by Default, although I know they are one of those Pearl Jam wannabe bands, so I stay away. They are even from the same region, I believe--Vancouver. Unlike Creed--they are a Floridian Pearl Jam or something, except the singer, who apparently thinks he is from heaven and that God sent him here to absolve us from our sins.
There was something else I wanted to say here, but I can't recall what the hell it was.
Ever listen to Brad, the Pearl Jam off shoot?
Default makes good music. I don't dwell so much on the fact that X is a rip-off act of Y. I used to, but then realized that I was missing out on so much music that I actually enjoy quite thoroughly. I saw Default in concert at Music Midtown... nothing spectacular, but enjoyable, nonetheless.
Never heard of Brad, the group. I will have to investigate.
I tend not to worry too much about who's ripping off people--it's hard to these days, cause even the best bands, like White Stripes and Outkast, are borrowing pretty heavily from yesteryear. "Hey Ya" was a Prince song if I've ever heard one.
Still, if it sounds too dated, I just can't like it. I want to be able to hear something and know it's from now, if that makes sense. I don't like when my first instinct is "Is this something from the 90s that I missed"? I imagine you'd feel the same way if some group of NY rappers got together and through a bunch of Kung Fu references and sound clips in their rap...
Smells, on the other hand, do...big time. Like certain soaps will remind me of the smell in campground restrooms at night after everyone has been showering....
"Hal, look what someone did over here!"
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