apparently some people have mistaken my entry about my trip to Prague. let me clarify for those of you who don't know me, know what I'm all about, and know my morals/values/standards:
the comment about "sex on the beach" that was listed as one of my memories of the trip should not be taken literally. "sex on the beach" is a type of ALCOHOLIC DRINK. i happened to have had a very very good "sex on the beach" at the 5-story club we went to and therefore put it on my list of memories from that trip. for the people who assumed that i had ACTUAL sex on the beach, let's have a nice geography lesson. Prague is located in the Czech Republic. The Czech Repulic is a LAND LOCKED country. surrounded by Germany, Poland, Austria, and Slovakia, the capital of the Czech Republic (Prague) is located in the CENTER of the country! soooo .... there's NO feasible way i would have had sex on the beach. dont believe me? visit this site and my proclaimations will be deemed truthful: and another thing!
obviously the person who is spreading these "rumors" doesn't know the type of person that i am. but, unfortunately, i am at the stage in my life where i dont have to explain myself to those who would rather spend their time talking and gossiping about people they dont know. i'm sorry i'm not in high school anymore and care about what everyone else thinks about me and cares about what i do. i'm all grown up now!
if you dont hear it from me, then it never happened. plain and simple. "reliable" sources are only "reliable" if it is coming directly from the person in question. period.
aside from that lovely prologue, i had an awesome weekend at the beach with my otown lovelys. many good times we made together and many good times we revisited from our past history together!
only 7 days till i go back to greensboro! no more monotonous work! no more boredness! get to see my girls!!!!