Eh, why not.

May 02, 2011 21:35

Ask me a question about any of the following ( Read more... )

random, bored, hector is going to kill me

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dainty_ofcourse May 3 2011, 13:55:23 UTC
You get questions while I'm on the train.

What's the most fun you've ever had?
Most embarrassing story?


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 02:17:35 UTC
Where you headed?

Easily hanging around the Loft, the sort of strange there makes me feel right at home. :)
Other than that, very likely when I first came to New York. I was actually on a post high school graduation trip with the few friends I had left at that point and we spent a week basically getting lost and doing an excess of stupid things around the city.
Sort of a last run before going back home and college, yanno?
Only I didn't go home or to college ever; stayed instead.

Same trip, got drunk and ended up on the subway; made a total idiot of myself talking to total strangers while my buddies were cracking up about it. Almost went home with some sleazy guy too, they were nice enough to save me from that though, thankfully.
And then I decided to sing, loudly, walking back to our hotel.
Fun night all around, oh yes.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 10:55:46 UTC

Really? Loft makes me feel crazy. Where are you that he Loft makes you so comfortable?

Hehehe, happy drunk.

What are you passionate about?
Last time you were angry. Very angry, not just mad.


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 11:27:21 UTC
Ah, fun. :)

Living with Hector. Shouldn't that be obvious enough of an answer to prove the crazy there is more normal? Haha.

Oh yes, very stupid one too, I can admit this.

Lots of things, that's really not difficult for me; the problem is being less passionate about everything. I'm painfully determined when I decide something is important. At the moment though? Social time! And studying,, people, Voodoo, trying not to irritate Hector. Sneaking around doing things I shouldn't be doing?

My dad. Just, yeah. Most of my angry points come from that answer really.
The last time? He decided to 'kick me out' after I'd already moved out a month prior and just noticed this when he called me asking for money and wanted to know why nobody had taken out the trash.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 11:53:30 UTC
He is. Baseball isn't. We shall see.

You say 'living with Hector' like I should know what that means. Not a mind reader.

Less passionate? Worst answer ever. ...Voodoo?

...What did you do?

[This meme is back here.]


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 12:03:22 UTC
Picky, picky; it's social time! Be happy!

You've seen Hector, that should be enough to know.
I should stop saying things like that. XD

What, it's interesting. And I don't know, I'm very...meh about waking up early, was very meh about my old job, am still rather meh about some of the things I'm learning lately or that Hector is making me do even though I know in theory they're probably going to be good for me...eventually. If I don't go crazy.

Stayed in NY, didn't answer many of his calls after that. Right at the time it happened? Went out and got drunk enough to be sick as a dog with a hangover the next day. If you had ever known my father you would see why; that man gave me a lot of bruises growing up.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 12:22:26 UTC
True. But I am not baseball-grade athletic.

You have your creepy silent person and I have mine. Loft still breaks my brain.

I meant: less passionate is the worst answer.

I wasn't doubting you.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 12:44:22 UTC
Maybe I'm more weird-tolerant? I dunno man, but I like it there.
But yes, I do and you do; we could start our own little club.

I got asked that already, and said normal, haha.
But, I guess I'll give you more of an answer, since this is the second time around.
I wanted to be a kidding, when I was really young, then a doctor, but that didn't last long. After that I wanted to be a social worker and that one stuck until I figured out I wasn't going to get into college. Then I just wanted a job period.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 12:51:05 UTC
Hahaha! You and your clubs. First a no-sex club and now a support system for people with creepy friends. So, what is the creepiest thing Hector does?

It's a common answer.
There is a savior theme~


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 12:58:33 UTC
It's easier to deal with the plights of life as a group, sadly. And stop saying that! It makes me feel pathetic! XD have to keep in mind that 99% of normal Hector behavior is rather creepy. Currently the one that gets me the worst is his sitting and reading the obituaries and commenting about them while I'm sitting on the freakin' couch trying to watch TV in the morning and eat my Pop-Tarts.
I am not pleased to hear about people dying from asphyxiation while I have food in my mouth, urgh.

He also buys me books about torture devices and wants to watch medical documentaries about plagues while it's social time. I suffer trying to introduce the man to some normal fun.

And yet, I am used to his creepiness and basically adore him. Go figure, huh?

Yeah, I know man; I must have thought I was going to be something important back in the day.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 13:18:19 UTC
What makes you feel pathetic?

I have no idea why us normal people are so attracted to them. Baffling. And we have an uphill introduce-them-to-fun battle.

You don't have a very high opinion of yourself.

Favorite activity with friends?


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 13:28:21 UTC
Leaving that one alone.

Hector is quite a challenge, yes, but I have faith that he will at least at some point do something normal!
I refuse to give up.

It's not that, it's just when you're a kid you figure you're going to do amazing things. Then you get older and figure out you have to live, and that doesn't always mean amazing things. Doesn't mean bad things either most of the time, just...yanno, living.

Talking! After games or movies.
I do have this desire to go to the zoo lately though for some bizarre reason.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 13:35:27 UTC
I didn't mean in general. It was to clarify your statement above.

You're a little too accepting of the fact that you will not do something amazing.

First crush?
Go-to thing that is guaranteed to pick up your mood when you're down?


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 13:52:38 UTC
It depends on your opinion of what amazing is.

Uhh...forever ago, like...high school. Nothing happened, barely remember it, never even asked the person out because I was looked at like the freaky kid nobody wanted to be seen around by most of the high school population.
Had it bad though, really bad, it was sort of funny now that I look back on it. Pretty sure the person is a lawyer now too.

People! Really, I need a social life to feel good. On a more simple level? Cooking.


dainty_ofcourse May 4 2011, 14:04:46 UTC
How am I supposed to know what to stop saying if you don't answer my question?

No, I'm pretty sure it depends on your opinion.

I don't understand that at all. You didn't even give yourself a chance. You rejected it instead of her/him...

Mmm, I am the same. Not the cooking -not the cooking at all- but the socializing. It's important!


lacroix_styles May 4 2011, 14:17:04 UTC
Stop saying?

Well, either way, I find myself pretty amazing in some pretty weird ways.

Yeah, but I was so uncomfortable with myself in high school. Like anxiety to an extreme degree. And my family issues, everybody thought I was a social plague or something, I had a really hard time making friends and the few I had were amazing people, but even they were afraid to get too close.
But, yanno, the's over now and things are better.

Yes, it very much is! You don't like to cook? Aww. :( Well, I'd cook for you, yes. So long as you talked to me while I was cooking. See, sounds like a perfect idea, yeah?


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