Eh, why not.

May 02, 2011 21:35

Ask me a question about any of the following ( Read more... )

random, bored, hector is going to kill me

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asher_embry May 3 2011, 04:51:45 UTC
When you were a kid, what'd you want to be when you grew up?

If you could turn invisible, what's the first thing you would do?

What's one possession that you can't live without?




lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 05:06:57 UTC

Find something deviously evil to do to freak Hector out; I would love to get something other than the normal Hector Stoic out of that man.

Something Hector gave me, it's important and I couldn't ever replace it. Otherwise I don't really own anything I couldn't stand to lose. Sigmund doesn't count, he's not a possession, he's a friend.

I don't really have a lot of opinion in that, I still have experimenting to do! Haha.

I don't however like people that purposely try to hit on me because they think I'm strange and that does something for them; that irritates me.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 05:17:13 UTC
Didn't work out so well, huh?

From what I've seen, it doesn't look like he'd freak out easy. 'Serious' is an understatement.

What'd he give you?

Not much experimenting in the past, huh? How much experience exactly have you had?

What about purposely hitting on you because you're amusing and cute? Is that acceptable?

What kind of music do you like? Favorite bands?


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 05:37:59 UTC
No, sadly.

Oh, I am determined though; I'll get him to lighten up some...somehow.

A necklace...amulet...thing that's really old and important and used to be his. It's like the most amazingly nice thing anyone has ever given me. :)

Ah..heh. Why do people ask this question? Urrrgh. I didn't really date or anything in high school, or after. People thought I was weird after too. So very little. Which translates to like..almost none, heh.

Well...maybe, if someone is awfully nice about it. ;)

Most anything, I, uh...listen to Katy Perry, most anything on the radio since that's what I listen to often. I'm not really the dark and dismal music type.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 05:50:02 UTC
Are you allowed to show other people what it looks like?

...Somehow, this intrigues me. A lot. In fact, I find you all the more alluring now.

Nice is my middle name. I think we'll get along fine.

Eh, her music's okay, I guess. What's your favorite song of hers?


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 06:01:30 UTC
I wear it all the time; not my fault if people don't notice these things! XP

Well, that's better than calling me a social tragedy I suppose. I already feel like that at times, heh. question...what is your middle name? Now I have to know!
You are very nice though, this is true.

The one I sing in the shower, yes. Which doesn't sound anything like the song actually is, I guess, oh well; I never claimed to be musically inclined.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 06:10:47 UTC
What can I say? Too busy looking at the rest of you. Guilty as charged.

I think it's past time you got over that.

Would tell you, but I don't actually have one. You don't need one legally, and my parents never picked one for me. I know, boring. So, what's yours?

You sing in the shower, huh? Any other interesting little habits?


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 06:26:27 UTC

I'm working on it! I have been getting better at it, slowly.

Don't have one either, not anymore. That's all I can say about

Let's see...I also sit on the kitchen counter and paint my nails? Chew my lip rings when I'm thinking? Watch...uh...Glee...heh. Sit and play with the belts and junk I hang on them when I'm bored?


asher_embry May 3 2011, 06:32:00 UTC
I see Hector has the same last name that you do. Is there a reason for that? Just to let everyone know you're in the same 'family,' I'm guessing? Does everyone there have the same last name?

So what colors do you paint them? Mine are either black, or not painted at all, on any given day.

Just Glee? Watch any other TV shows?

What's the last thing you think about before you go to sleep?


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 06:42:02 UTC
He didn't adopt me, if that's what you're asking. Best just leave it at that.

Depends, black most of the time. Mostly dark colors, or ones that glow in the dark. It's like the closest I get to anything bright and colorful most days I guess.

Not often, no. I'll watch alien movies, or stuff like the ghost tapes shows and things like that, or some of the ER shows. Mostly if I'm watching TV I'm watching it with Hector and he likes the stuff that's dark or gross, like the shows where hospitals have like people run over with cars and stuff. Gross. But, it's at least something he'll do rather than hiding out around the apartment as much.

Usually don't think, I try to exhaust myself so that I can sleep. Or I'm reading at the time and just pass out.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 06:45:59 UTC
Considering you're an adult, I don't think he can adopt you.

What's your room look like? Can't you decorate it colorful in there? ...or does Hector regulate what happens in your own room?

Ghost shows, huh? Do you even believe in ghosts?

Can't sleep easy? Why's that? Insomnia?


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 07:01:00 UTC
Right now my room is very beige, I do plan to fix that, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Probably not going to overkill on the color anyway, I hate to admit the fact but I only like bright colors in measured amounts, not to an extreme. Something like this is waaaay too much random color. But this is pretty nice, or even this is okay.

I do, actually.

Some of it, yes, restless, insomnia, anxiety; all the normal things.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 07:04:30 UTC
Wow... I don't know what to say about pictures #1. Looks like a unicorn vomited all over that place. #2 reminds me of you, though.

Any reason why? Seen anything creepy? Or are you religious, or...?

What do you have to be anxious about? You have a live-in bodyguard.


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 07:18:32 UTC
It's awful, huh? Urgh. But yeah, black and green is probably how it's going to end up. Mostly because black is rather calming and I love green.

I'm not religious, no, never really have been. But you have to admit, some of the creepy around here is bound to wear off on a person, yeah?

Lots of things, pre-dating being around here. But, again, not really the sort of thing I'm bound to talk about. More for personal reasons than because I'm not allowed to.


asher_embry May 3 2011, 07:33:05 UTC
Black and green, huh? I'll remember this.

I wouldn't know; you don't exactly talk much about what's in your house. Just vague generalizations. But I get it, I know you can't explain.

Hm. Okay.

Are you sure I can't have your address? Come on, you said businesses get it since you order up stuff online. Go ask Hector. Tell him I promise not to stalk you guys.


lacroix_styles May 3 2011, 07:42:44 UTC
Yes, I'm so very easy to please. Haha.

We have a taxidermy zombie rhino and zebra head? And chairs that look like skeletons in the dining room.
Pretty sure I can't get into trouble just for saying that.

Pretty sure that would be a flat out no. He doesn't really want me telling people much of anything, where we live seems like a big 'anything'.
Sorry. :( Sometimes these rules are miserable, I know.

Give me a chance to figure out some way to get around it, heh, maybe. I really don't want to make Hector angry about something big like that. But I do get mail...sooo...maybe. But you CAN'T come ANYWHERE near here, unless you can manage to convince Hector of that idea in June, heh.


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