[ic] [Hector] Those really brilliant things you do when you're drunk...really aren't.

Mar 22, 2011 02:15

Hector had said he was supposed to....well, Hector said a lot of things of he was supposed to do or not do, actually, that was almost all Hector ever said. Anyway, Hector had said he was supposed to act a certain way around important people, that was fine; it just meant that when he didn't want to act with all that reserved quiet that he wasn't good at anyway he had to go elsewhere. And his room was a safe refuge, because it was his room; what amounted to his only space in the entire living area.

Seemed like a safe idea, really, to assume that if he was going to be doing things Hector's delicate sense of decorum wasn't likely to enjoy it was better left done outside of the common area. And he had little choice in the first place, he had accidentally killed the television in the other room several days past. It figured that the first thing he killed would be something Hector would probably give him that Look for instead of being happy about, sheesh.

But that was days ago, it might as well have been centuries for all his short attention span cared; by the next morning Lacroix had a habit of not worrying about the day before.
And that morning, or afternoon rather, he wasn't thinking about the television or studying because both had left him feeling rundown.
He was thinking about for less complicated amusements, hiding away in the recesses of his room; all was right with the world.

Unfortunately all was also very loud; in the blaring noise sort of way.

Maybe Lacroix had underestimated how sound carried around the apartment, or maybe he just flat had not given it a bit of thought when he left his 'door' open; because having the wall shut made him feel like he was stuck in a box and he didn't like that very much at all.

Since Hector had decided to take his real cigarettes away he hadn't gotten used to their electric counterparts yet, so he wasn't getting his normal mellowed calm over his nerves that the nicotine usually gave him. That meant, logically, he needed another vice.
And Hector had said he could drink, in moderation.

Technically he was only moderately drunk, so it still counted as not breaking the rules.
Well, to his logic it did; and since he didn't always understand Hector's logic he defaulted to his own now and then.

Just drinking, however, wasn't enough; in fact it was a little weird since all he actually had to drink in the place was wine and that wasn't his normal sort of distraction but Hector's vices were all high class.
So no, just the alcohol was hardly enough; he needed entertainment.

Logically he could have watched a movie, but restless need drove him to motion, action, he was feeling a little stir-crazy in the Batcave that day; so if he couldn't burn off some of that energy outside Lacroix was bound to do so indoors, with the aid of his own television.
He had an affinity for certain video games, the loud, energetic types that left him exhausted and too tired to think; having some alcohol soaking in his blood didn't change that.

And a few drinks made anybody feel entirely like the rockstar they thought themselves to be when they played Guitar Hero, right?
He thought so, but it was a wonder he could think at all with the noise and the bouncing around, he missed more notes than he hit but coordination was optional when a person was buzzed; Lacroix was having fun and anything beyond that didn't even register to cross his mind.
He was also bound to injure himself sooner or later by getting his foot stuck in the strap of the plastic guitar controller or some other very graceful move but that wouldn't bother him until he actually did so; for the time being, yes, all was right with the world.
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