(no subject)

Sep 16, 2018 01:16

Lacroix had a long list of bad choices in his past, he liked to think most of them led him somewhere better in the end. However, he was pretty sure the current one wasn't going to fall onto that list. Sometimes bad choices felt like a challenge, like he was still some foolhardy kid with something to prove by saying he could take some control over his life. 
Ultimately that was close to the truth; he'd been feeling like control was the last thing he had lately and life was starting to bury him under so much confusion. The past haunted him thanks to Ash and the future loomed uncertain because of his sudden doubts about himself and worries over Hector. All in all, it felt like he was itching under his skin and restless down to his weary bones.

It was Hector himself that had nudged Lacroix to the idea of leaving home for the night, feeling as though he was worrying him needlessly and wanting to rid himself of that streak of scattered mental exhaustion. He needed some air, needed to escape the looming feelings that were weighing him down. 
That chance presented itself almost too easily when he found himself alone for the evening, staring at his bedroom ceiling until he'd come to the conclusion that he was going to go out of his mind counting the spots in the plaster.

The universe wasn't giving him any signs though; it was just as easy as always to slip out of the building while Hector was off spending the evening with Corbin and bound to not return until morning, there were no huge obstructions to stop him as he wandered the streets and hit up a coffee shop before turning in the direction of the place where he'd find Zander. 
Truthfully he had little idea where the vampire lived but it didn't take a genius to use a phone to navigate to an address once he had it in-hand; seemed like there wasn't going to be any divine intervention to steer him off the path.

No Hector either to give him a more resounding push in the right direction, which counted for some sort of intervention, divine or otherwise. 
Lacroix was blissfully, foolishly, on his own that evening and the city had a million distractions.

Why he wasn't indulging one of those rather than heading towards possibly the worst idea he'd had in a long while he wasn't sure, morbid curiosity perhaps. 
Or more so just that tendency to purposely throw himself into some mess when he was feeling emotionally overwhelmed so that he couldn't think about anything other than getting himself out of trouble. 
Or not, sometimes trouble turned out to be more interesting than thinking.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't; whatever the case might have been Lacroix arrived at the door that matched the address on his phone wrapped up in a dozen different emotions and trying to shake off a few stubborn ghosts of thought eating at him from the inside out.

He couldn't even pretend it might have been a good idea when he texted the vampire to announce he had arrived, but he wasn't really trying to. 

ic, zander

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