Charloft Bingo: Prompt - In the Kitchen

Feb 18, 2015 07:10

Charloft Bingo: Prompt - In the Kitchen

There is something so entirely perfect about it, even if most people would only roll their eyes or shrug it off as just another part of the holiday season, but Lacroix knows better. He knows some things are simply a part of the background to the season, as deeply embedded into it as the idea of family and friends and even the snowfall; there is just something about the scent of cinnamon and sugar in the air that brings back thoughts of the past.
Or it would, if he had too many of those for himself, but his past never had too many holidays that he can recall with the perfect little image of his family gathered around the table icing cookies or sitting down to the full out meal under the twinkle of lights and kept company by the soft sound of music.

Maybe he didn't have that so much growing up, no, but he knows it is supposed to be the norm; as much as anything can be.

Which might be part of the reason he does spend so much time scurrying around the kitchen once the months tip into the cold part of the year; flooding the entire floor of Castle Styles with those so very tempting aromas. Chocolate, mint, nutmeg; every sort of cookie and cake and bread he can think up or hunt down a recipe for makes an appearance sooner or later.
Cooking is practically an obsession any other day of the year but around that season it turns to baking; carried out with a fevered determination and a sense of satisfaction.

Lacroix never tires of it, day after day, even though sooner or later Hector does grow a bit worn on all the sugary treats that overpopulate the cabinets and the fridge; he never has much of a taste for that sort of food but allows his apprentice to indulge his hobby. It's a small price to pay, the constant saccharine hint in the air, to watch the boy throwing so much of himself into the task.

It's something normal, Lacriox reminds himself; it's how people celebrate the holidays. It's what he wants in a dire way he can't ever bring himself to voice; it might not be much but he wants to pretend, just a little, that all those cookies and cakes really do mean that warm twinge of happiness he stumbled across is real.

And maybe, just maybe, it does make up for what he might have missed growing up; the home and family that still isn't perfect by most standards but is as close as anything may ever be by his own.

charloft bingo

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