Scarily accurate. WOW, does my life sound depressing or what? I DO have close relationships, though . . .
lacontessa11 took the free personality test!
"Keeps herself under strict control so as not to br..."
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Okay, it's only 1pm, and it's already been a very frustrating day. I got up early to go to church--I showered, got all dressed up, cooked breakfast, left with 20 minutes to drive 6 miles, and everything! Well, because apparently Arlington is one of those cities where maps do not reflect reality, it took me ONE HOUR to go those 6 miles. Yeah. I refused to stop looking for the church when it became abundantly clear that I would miss the service, though, so now I know how to get there for the future. On the way, I found two Baptist churches, two United Methodist churches, one cathedral, two Spanish churches, one "Community Church," one Episcopal church, and one Christian Science church. Note how hard it was to find the Lutherans. I was like, "REALLY people, the Reformation is over! We're safe! You don't need to hide the church anymore!"
Out of sheer annoyance with the day, I stopped at Burger King for lunch because I didn't think I could handle cooking, and then came home and watched Naruto episode 152 again just to see Rock being adorable. Then I sat around for a bit wondering how much better my world would be if Rock were between the ages of 21-25 and REAL. Then I thought about how many real men I know who have excellent manners, carry themselves with honor, and are determined to do their best at all times--and how none of them are interested in me. Then I got a little sad, because, well, I would cry if Rock were real but didn't want to date me. Plus, I was contemplating the datability of a fictional, underage anime character, and I think that makes my life pretty darn pathetic. I suppose that, in some ways, it's safer than pining over real people.
Okay, I made some super headway on my writing assignment last night, and so today I'm going to organize my case list and do my Property homework. Rock on! I'm going to make some tea and be energized all day!
Oh . . . after half a year of screwing around, I decided to return to my "stop nail-biting" plan, for the same motivation. How can I hope to gain control of my mind if I can't control my body? So, I've been growing the fingernails, and it's going well! My goal is to be able to get a manicure the same time I get a pedicure for the wedding, but I don't know if they'll grow fast enough.