Feb 16, 2008 23:28
Well, today was spectacularly unproductive. Like whoa. My goal was grade six papers. I graded . . . one. Granted, the night is not over, but still. It takes about 1-2 hours per paper (no joke), and as much as I really think I NEED to take a night to not sleep and get this done, my health will not allow such a thing at the moment. I'm getting too old to ignore my health, so I'll probably head to bed at some point. I'll get about another five hours of work in, though.
Anyway, besides not doing my work, I did actually get some other things done. I took the one paper I was grading and got on the Metro to go to Borders, where the second Full Metal Panic! novel was waiting for me, having been special ordered the last time I was there. I used a coupon and more of the Borders gift card Josh's grandmother gave me for Christmas, and then I DIDN'T buy anything in Best Buy (I don't buy anime there anymore, but I still like to go look), so all I spent today was $2.70 on the Metro. I also looked at giant tvs in Best Buy, because I kinda want one. No, we don't NEED one (Josh and I already have three perfectly good tvs), but I like them. I don't even need HD, just a really big screen. But, alas, they're more expensive than I expected.
When I got home, I finished the paper and made dinner. I made the buckwheat crepes from the ReBar cookbook, except that I don't have buckwheat flour, so they were more like whole wheat crepes. I need a crepe pan . . . They were filled with carmelized onions, marinated and grilled portobella mushrooms, fresh spinach (the recipe called for Swiss chard, but Safeway didn't have any, so I improvised), and grated gruyere. They were pretty good, so I was proud of myself. It's a good thing I only carmelized half an onion, though, because I had maybe half the crepes I was supposed to have (see above wish for a crepe pan). The mushrooms were particularly yummy, and in fact I ate the few leftover pieces on their own. The sauce was good in general, but as I'm not a huge fan of anise, I wasn't crazy about the tarragon in it. However, the base sauce was good, so I may replace it with fresh oregano or maybe dill next time. I love cilantro, but I don't think it would have the right taste. I have two crepes left over for lunch tomorrow, too.
I caught up on TNA while I ate lunch and dinner today. There's already two matches on the card for Destination X: the Angle Alliance (Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, and Tyson Tomko) vs. Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash, and Christian Cage, and Rhino vs. James Storm in an Elevation X match. OMGYES!!!! I can't even begin to describe all the talent in the first match to those of you who don't watch wrestling, but some of my favorite TNA characters are in it. I wanted to see Christian Cage wrestle Samoa Joe in person, but I'll take this. And Rhino! I missed him! I thought there'd be an Ultimate X match, but Elevation X?! I can't wait! (basically, for those not familiar with it, they put two beams about 1-2 feet wide 15 feet over the ring, and the guys fight on top of them. Whoever falls off first loses. Yeah, it's super dangerous in real life, not to mention in the fictious world of wrestling). And maybe Gail Kim vs. ODB? That would be a great match, but I want to see Awesome Kong! The thing I love most about the TNA women's division is that the women fight--they're not just there to wear skimpy clothing and look pretty. Obviously the valets aren't all wrestlers, but the women in the actual division are talented.
Alright, more grading.