Oct 12, 2007 22:56
That took longer than it should have >_< I had total writer's block on my defense opening statement for the intramural tomorrow, plus my right wrist is mysteriously hurting and that makes me wary of typing for long periods at a time. But, now everything is done, and my partner and I are ready to rock.
I've been working on my Jeanne cosplay recently, since NekoCon is fast drawing near. I hate working with wigs. HATE HATE HATE! All I have to do is LOOK at the damn thing and it gets knots, I swear. I've been thinking for a month or so now about dropping some hobbies for financial and free time reasons, and my adventures with this wig have told me that cosplaying is the hobby that has to go. So, Jeanne is my last cosplay. I was debating whether it should be BJDs or cosplaying, and it finally occurred to me that BJDs are a much more intelligent investment of my money, and much LESS stressful. Besides, my primary creativity in BJDs comes in storytelling, which I like--I'm simply not creative enough to make things like cosplay outfits. No, that doesn't mean I won't sew my own BJD clothes (I will, I actually do enjoy sewing), but it means the stressful experience of making things that look like shit will stop. Not to mention, I spend a LOT of money on cosplaying that I can't recoup by selling my work like I can with BJDs and their accessories. Seriously, no one wants to buy my crappy Jeanne wig. I HATE YOU, WIG.
You know what's awesome, though? My friends, especially when I get to visit with them! Laura and I are going to see The Dark is Rising movie, and then Josh is coming to visit (yes, he's more than a friend, but he still counts), and Chels is coming to visit (along with Corin and Courtney), and then Amy-chan is coming for Halloween and NekoCon!!! I was hoping we'd get to go see Ashbet too, but she'll be off gallivanting around the UK ;) Another time! So yay, there is much socializing in the upcoming weeks! What do you mean, what about my homework? I'll have you know that I am ON TOP of all my classes. Seriously. I'm not joking. I don't think I've ever been this productive in my life, it's kind of scary.
That's it, I guess. I've been very busy recently, but it's all school stuff. I love being a WF. Have I said that enough yet? But seriously, I love it. I really enjoy helping students find answers without giving them the answer, I enjoy teaching classes and explaining things with crazy examples, I enjoy grading papers . . . if I had any patience whatsoever, I'd consider becoming a law professor. Actually, I AM considering looking at Legal Writing Director positions after maybe a decade of practice, but that's as far as I'd go. I really don't have enough patience to teach on a daily basis. Although . . . I would LOVE to teach a law and literature class. Best class I've taken in law school, no contest. We sat around and talked about books for two hours--that's what my FREE TIME is like anyway!
future career,