(no subject)

Sep 29, 2007 22:57


My monitor just died. Seriously. Luckily, I was talking to Jake at the time and I had some warning, so he called me and helped me connect my laptop to my cable modem (Comcast won't send a wireless modem unless I pay them for a guy to come with it. I don't need their guy), and then pointed me toward the Dell Outlet page. I now own a sexy new 19-inch flat panel monitor that I paid less than $200 for. ROCK ON! I was going to buy a new one anyway before I moved to Philly simply to avoid packing my CRT monitor, so I'm not THAT upset. But really, this week has NOT been teh fun, with the exception of today up until now, and the times I spent with Josh where I WASN'T super busy.

Today Laura and I went to the National Book Festival <3 So many authors . . . I bought a couple of birthday presents, stood in line for 1.5 hours to get one autographed, got sunburn on the left side of my body from standing in said line (who wears sunblock in late September, anyway? >_>), heard a lot of great author presentations (Jodi Picoult is great!), and had a yummy dinner will talking about school and TV with Laura. I had a great time--and then I came home and watched Avatar from last night, so that was good too. I'll be discussing that later . . .

And now, homework. I did a crappy job getting my work done last week, so I want to try harder this week.

shopping, books, socializing

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