(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 01:00

Okay, it's time for the official announcements, now that we're down to less than a week ;)

1. If you want a postcard from Tokyo and you think I don't have your address (or you have a different address, or you think I've forgotten about you, etc), email me at lacontessa@samuraigirl.net with your mailing address!!

2. If you want me to buy items for you, email me at the same addy with a detailed list and we'll discuss how you'll get me the money. I have no problem picking things up for people who don't feel like paying EMS fees (dollies are not included, although I'll look in Volks Akihabara for clothing if you want), but you need to be precise so I don't come home with something you didn't want.

My shopping goals? I want the most recent set of School Rumble gatchapon, the L monitor cover (why? Just because I can), the Suzimiya Haruhi cosplay figure set (it comes out the 15th, so hopefully I can find it!), the Suzumiya Haruhi coffee mug and L teacup and saucer, and some discount table Volks clothing. Oh, yeah . . . and some kind of accessory from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. I'm also looking to buy some sort of lolita clothing book (Gothic Lolita? Perhaps, I'll decide when we get there), the most recent Nakayoshi and Ribon, and maybe the most recent Hana to Yume. Also, anything Prince of Tennis, and some random Bleach stuff. And, finally, I MIGHT try to hit up a temple market for some "cheap" (haha) silk for an authentic Edo-period geisha outfit, a la The Sea is Watching. We'll see on that one, though, because I already have a perfectly nice kimono. The only draw for the silk, other than its silk-ness, is the GORGEOUS bright print. I love the "clashing" patterns and colors ^_^

Oh, and Rock Lee. I will buy Rock Lee if I see him. I'll sit on his lap on the plane ride home. Josh won't mind, I'm sure.

In "normal" news, OMG HOMEWORK! Ugh. I've written my will (for the assignment! Not "my" will!), and now I just need to write a supremely detailed letter to my client so my adjunct can read my mind and see how much work I've put into this. I have new assignments out the wazoo, sigh. Luckily, I've pinned down my L&L paper topic: 25-30 pages on the meaning of writing in Borges and the Eternal Orangutans and Soldiers of Salamis, particularly in terms of the inherent power of words and the veracity of writing derived from unreliable testimony, and hopefully with the goal of determining the reason for each author putting in his book sections that aren't actually PART of the book's "plot." i r smrt.

Alas, the Lord only knows when Josh can come see me. His boss is rather . . . inept. I'm trying to get him down here before I leave for Tokyo, so we'll see how that goes. I've finally managed to structure my post-GSBToA schedule, though. Anyone want to come down for the Cherry Blossom Festival on the weekend of April 14th? Both the anime marathon and the street festival are on that day.

rock lee, menfolk, gsbtoa, shopping, schoolwork

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