(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 12:11

I watched Mimi wo Sumaseba (Whisper of the Heart) during breakfast today . . . best book geek movie EVER, Laura was right! I was getting sniffly toward the end *giggle* Shizuku is amazing--I would totally act just like she did! If I ever saw a cat riding the Metro, I'd definitely start a conversation (well, pretending like it was answering me...) and follow it home. And she even wrote her story about lapis lazuli! *points at AIM name and ring* The movie almost makes me want to take up libraries, except they don't use the cards anymore. I don't think the story works as well with a computer. But AHHHHH, that was just the cuteness I needed to jumpstart my studying, although I'll surely be giggling randomly all day.

Chels, did you notice the release date for Definitely Dead? I think I'm going to clean out most of my bn.com wishlist on May 2 as a "done with finals/going on vacation" reward, so it should come in time for me to have it in Maine. I'm reading it first, though *wink* EDIT: in preparation for the book shopping, I traded in my Visa Extras points for another $25 gift card. I LOVE this program!!! I get free books just for living, basically *giggle*

As you can undoubtedly tell, I DID manage to stay awake after all. GO ME! I don't feel like studying, though (hence the anime). Y'all have to remember, my prime working time starts at 7pm . . . so for the next 6.5 hours, I'll be very inefficient in my studying output. But maybe minimal output is better than none at all? I may take a nap, since I got about 4.5 hours of sleep again last night. I did a lot of good work on Torts, though. I only have half of Products Liability, all of Nuisance, and half of Defamation/Privacy to go until I catch up to where I stopped reading.

I'll probably have AIM off for most, if not all, of the day. It distracts me too much, since my friends are that much more interesting than studying.

I'm very confuzzled by the OMG SPECIAL! edition of uncut Naruto volume 1. I like their idea of releasing it in 13-episode sets, and I think the Right Stuf price of $38 for the regular edition is reasonable, but . . . the suggested retail price for the special edition is $70. You get 13 episodes and a fancy gold box (same as the regular edition), plus COOL AMERICAN-RELEASE NARUTO MERCHANDISE! OMG sign me up, like, totally!!!!11eleventy! I don't get why they think people would be WILLING to pay $70 for 13 episodes and some tacky, badly-made cosplay crap. If I want Naruto merchandise, I'll import it and avoid giving them more money with which to hire mediocre voice actors for Rock Lee, thanks. Actually, I did that already. My forehead protector is SO much sexier than the American-release version in Hot Topic. Ugh. People wearing that one make me twitch. Look at the quality, people! Quality!!! *sob*

anime, naruto, books, finals

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