(In Today's Episode of Emo Mage)

Dec 02, 2008 19:30

[Private, Unhackable]

If we all regain our memories at a snail's pace, what would happen when someone remembers everything?

Is that how to return, as a reward? Is it the completion of a trial for something worse? No. If it were sinister, the island would handle something much more discreet than memories, or something more universally sinister-appearing. I trust that it is straightforward in that regard. The memories, on the other hand, are often given as after happenings to those inflicted, or at the completion of a task, as if rewards. It's possible that someone who remembered everything would leave.

... That someone who remembered everything would leave.

What if that were the case? I... would stop him. I-I can't imagine opposing him.

No, wait. The journal had said that the island's powers thought of this amnesia as a favor. If that were true, then the memories could be punishment alongside the happenings.

Full regeneration would lead to something undoubtedly worse.

... How do I resist him?

((Durhur, $180 because I forgot to note food for two months. Also, feel free to notice him in real life, though he'll mostly be bumming like a hermit at the library or his place.))
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