As much as he appreciated how gorgeous the near constant snowfall this year was, Jules could do without the cold that went along with it. Thank goodness for modern conveniences, he thought, looking up from his book to admire the blazing fire in the fireplace, and thank goodness for friends in high places. The quiet hallways and the almost dark room seemed so much more pleasant when there was a warm spot he could retreat to.
He idly wondered what it would be like to have Rosemariné with him. His friend wasn't fond of the cold at all, and had been holing himself up in his room even more than usual since the snow had started. Perhaps it was merely because they were so frequently together, but Jules couldn't help but feel the slightest bit lonely sitting there with nothing to keep him company but a soft blanket and a copy of Othello.
On the other hand, maybe it was for the best that he was alone. Either the cold or the solitude had made them both snappy, so being alone was definitely the safest option.