Looking for a witty subject line? You're pretty much out of luck.

Dec 05, 2006 15:37


Back in the internet cafe at the convention center and having a much easier time today with blogging and free time. These terminals are RETARDED and Sunday I was struggling to get mine to work. I was able to take care of a few necessary e-mails before it FREAKED OUT with LiveJournal and took like 10 minutes to write that tiny previous entry.

So! Now that I am adequately able to complain up a storm about this stupid trip, I figured why not carpe the diem and do it? Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Thursday: I finish finals, come home and attempt to pack a bit before realizing I have to do more laundry than you can shake a stick at. I try to start laundry and pack as much as I can.

Friday: 3:00 AM:: I get a text message from The Boy telling me the flight has been delayed and he'll arrive at 7:00 PM.
6:00 AM: I get up to finish packing and dealing with hang-dry wet clothes.
7:00 AM: The Boy calls me to tell me they've grounded flights from O'Hare and he can't get out until Tuesday...so he likely can't come at all.
7:30 AM: I have panic attack/cry, as I am now on the hook for a $150 a night hotel and will be attending a major conference solo in LA. In a sort of damned-if-I-do,-damned-if-I-don't scenario, I *have* to claim the room or else I'll have no where to stay during the conference.
9:30 AM: Over an hour after I intended to leave, I get out the door.
3:15 PM: Near where the 605 crosses I5, there is traffic. It is bad. I am not moving.
5:00 PM: I finally make it to Anaheim. On Harbor Blvd, I see the hotel I'm staying in. I slow down, put on my signal and turn into the hotel parking lot.
5:01 PM: I am smashed into on the passenger side by an elderly woman tailgating me. She's going like 50 miles/hr. She claims she hit the gas instead of the brake.
5:02 PM: After the shock wears off, I burst into tears.
5:45 PM: I park my poor CRV in the hotel lot. The police don't issue her a citation, because the accident occurred on private property. We both have the same insurance company, so they're screwed regardless. :)
6:00 PM: I check in.
7:00 PM: I crawl into bed a broken girl and sleep until I can't sleep any more.

Saturday: The Boy makes a 10 AM flight on standby and arrives at 1:00 PM PST.

Sunday: Conference starts with student programming. We have a blast.

Monday: More fun. I learn about snake venom antidotes.

Tuesday: The best day of all: free stuff at the exhibit hall! Pens, food, bags, calculators, paper weights, samples, candy. You name it, they got it, emblazoned with corporate logos. Tonight we're going to Roy's of Newport Beach, so that should be fun, too.

So things are much better. I'll post pics once I get home, but in the crisis of Friday, I forgot my camera! I'm relying on classmates and my hotel roommate for pics.

A very bad trip has turned out to be only moderately bad! Hooray for lowered expectations.


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