(no subject)

Apr 16, 2009 09:13

So I was checking my email, and Amazon,com sent me something entitled "Amazon Kindle: Download Sci-Fi in Under a Minute," which is nice as I'm going to buy a kindle at some point off in the distant future: it's not very high on my priorities right now. So I clicked on it... the picture of the Kindle had the cover of Twilight on it. I feel disgusted with Amazon. A) since when is Twilight sci-fi? B) Since when is Twilight even remotely good enough to encompass all of sci-fi in the image that Amazon puts out about itself? I feel like writing them a letter and explaining these two points. It could just be me, but I feel like some crucial part of my childhood has just been violated.

On another note, I have my presentation on Louise Michel in French class today. Public speaking usually makes my heart pound so fast that I run the risk of passing out. Furthermore, my heart's already pounding at super-speed at the thought of presenting. All I can say is Eep!

twilight, french class, sci-fi, kindle, amazon, presentation, louise michel

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