she's a gunshot bride, with a trigger cries out

Oct 13, 2011 16:56

Name: Metis
Canon: Persona 3: The Answer
PB/Image: here.
Info links: Helpful wiki page is helpful.
Canon Point: Just before the battle against Erebus
Gender: female.
Age: This is actually a little complicated. Technically it has only been about a month since Metis awakened as her own seperate person. Never the less, she is essentially Aigis' heart, she is a fair bit older and more mature than that. Likewise, the same as Aigis, her body is not that of a child but rather that of a teenager or young adult, and neither is her mindset that of a child.

Birthdate/Sign: Her canon "birthdate" if one can think of it as such would be around the first of March, making her a Pisces, but that doesn't fit her terribly well. She isn't gentle, mystical or compassionate, and while she has her temperamental moments, the overall attributes don't really work with her. Instead I'd like to choose Scorpio as her sign. She is fiercely protective of her sister, and clearly exhibits ruthlessness when what she's introduced doing is try to kill everyone Aigis cares about - all in order to protect her. (Which is a terribly backwards way to go about things, yes. She does realize this later.) Metis initially comes across as impossible and pushy, demanding that the SEES team follow her without revealing anything about herself, fitting both the suspicious as well as the secretive characteristics. Admittedly the key reason for her not telling people about herself initially is that she does not know anything about herself to begin with, but she keeps that to herself as well until much further on in the story. She's also very curious about the Abyss of Time, and constantly presses the issue of them discovering more and taking care of what caused it. Over all, despite her being only very selectively compassionate, she shows many traits that line up with Scorpio, and the theme of the attributes suits her remarkably well.
I'd like to set Metis' birthday to November 4th, as it's the only date in the vicinity that is really relevant to Aigis and therefore also to her: It is the day on which Aigis was reprogrammed to lead SEES into a trap and later kill them. On that same day she goes against her programming, instead protecting the Protagonist, something that shows her progress from being a mere machine. Because of this, I feel the date is relevant to Metis as well, as the incarnation of emotions Aigis later chooses to repress.

Tattoo: On her stomach, a little underneath her bellybutton, about three inches in diameter.

Suitability: It's often made clear in canon that Metis is quick to adapt to new situations as soon as she actually understands them. (It's the requiring explanation part that is often a hangup.) She's quick to offer rational and pragmatic solutions to any problem she encounters, and ready to follow through with them. Fending for herself, requiring food as well as rest is something that will be new to her, but given the determination she displays in canon, I doubt it'll be an unsurmountable challenge.

Metis was never an emotionless robot, given that she is, in essence, Aigis' heart given a shape of its own, which means that attraction is not a foreign concept to her. She understands the desire and need to be close to someone, even if it'd be a stretch to assume she's ever thought about it in a sexual manner. So even though she's never thought about it, I'm convinced she'd be a quick enough learner, and being out of her water has not once stopped her in canon. Hence why I believe Metis could deal.

Power: For Metis, I don't think her Persona powers are that relevant to her. Instead, what I'd like her to keep is something resembling her Orgia Mode command from the game. Orgia Mode is a special operational mode that both Aigis and Metis possess, which greatly increases the overall attack capabilities, but causes them to overheat and becoming immobile for a few turns after using it.

What this as a power would be for Metis as a human is a voluntary sort of berserk button, allowing her to exert herself physically beyond her limits and accomplish superhuman acts in times of need or despair or despite overwhelming odds. This would not make her invulnerable of course, and would leave her exhausted and temporarily immobile, as in canon. (Also very sore, unlike in canon.) The limiter for this power would be the time she can use it (only a few seconds at first) as well as the boost she gets from it, though I think the repercussions/downtime required after use should also depend on the strength of her ability and how much of it she uses.

Personality: It's notable that throughout canon, her personality changes as she adapts to the things she learns. Initially she attacks SEES in an honest attempt to eliminate them all in order to protect Aigis. Her reasoning here was that SEES would be the ones who would endanger Aigis, that the threat would only arise to begin with because of them, and so the most straightforward way to deal with it would be to do away with its cause. Later, as she learns to understand the bonds between people better, she apologizes to Aigis for attacking her friends, sorry to the point she starts crying.

When she came into being, Metis only knew two things. That somewhere out there, she had a sister, and that if she didn't do something soon, her sister was going to die. As such, she had no real knowledge of herself or of Aigis or of SEES, but she learns quickly and instinctively, by way of doing or seeing things and then understanding them, as if they simply fall into place. This is as much a plot device as it is a way to develop her personality further as she grows to gradually understand more and more about herself and their surroundings. Metis does not, however, have any knowledge or experience of the outside world, since she has never set foot in it. While she'll recognize terms, like 'mall' or 'school' or, most likely, also terms for everyday objects, besides what she's run into in the Abyss of Time she's never seen any of them. It leaves her looking around in wonder not unlike a child, as anyone would upon first seeing something they couldn't otherwise have imagined. This reaction is one she is quick to hide though, or try to, at least.

Metis generally doesn't like feeling or seeming vulnerable or clueless to others, reluctant to admit she doesn't know or is hesitant to do something. (In a word, very tsundere.) She prefers taking action and charge as much as she can, and it surprises her that people don't want to follow her lead initially. She then becomes impatient, not understanding why people might have some hangups with following someone who was out to kill them a few hours before. From her point of view, pointing out that she would not attack them anymore should have been enough, so she was quick to make the most logical, rational decision: Since she knew the most about the place, obviously she should take the lead. This simple, straightforward logic is something she displays more than once throughout canon, she is quick to point out solutions without thinking to ask about details or trying to see the whole picture. (Such as her pointing out that they should just go see the Protagonist already if they miss him so much, not knowing that he had died.) This can at times be hurtful to those she talks to, and she won't always realize that, or why that is the case, because she is not very good at reading people.

Despite this, Metis is very curious. She wants to learn about the Abyss of Time, and if taking care of the Abyss wasn't such an urgent thing to her, she likely would be just as interested in learning about the outside world and everything else as well. She learns and develops very quickly as the game progresses, which likely only takes a few in-game days. Still, she eventually finds herself facing the thought that she might just not belong in the outside world at all, a hunch she does, once again, not explain.

From the beginning her determination is quite strong. More than anything else she wants to protect Aigis, and be with Aigis, stating that she would do anything it takes to protect her even if it made her hate Metis. To her, Aigis is the only person she has in the world, the only one she can trust to understand her, and she will take any means necessary to keep her from harm, whether that means going after people with the intent to kill, or sacrificing her own life to save Aigis'. It's obvious she is no stranger to extremes. Besides this, she is also dreadfully afraid of being left behind and being alone once more. It's such a serious issue for her that she breaks down and cries, begging Aigis not to leave her. (A crying robot. Yes.) It is shortly after this that she apologizes to Aigis for attacking her friends earlier on, as she can begin to imagine the pain of losing someone dear.

"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:
[There is a pretty, black haired, red eyed girl on the network. She's new, isn't she?]

I don't- I don't have time for this! What have you done to me? I need to get back, there's something important I need to do!

[Besides being new, she also isn't very pleased.]

I don't care about this place. Or about whoever called me here. I have to find a way to get back, right now, it's a life-or-death situation!
Now someone tell me how to get back!

[Except then she falls. She hits the ground hard, and it takes her a moment to get herself back up. You see her hands are scraped up pretty badly, someone has been falling quite a lot. There are tears in the corners of her eyes, but she grits her teeth.]

I can't even stand properly like this- I, I just- How am I supposed to-

I have to-

[She shuts the feed off angrily.]

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry:

A sense of hopelessness, of despair in the face of the malice of thousands, if not millions. But the others hoped anyway, determined despite all odds. Aigis' voice sparking a similar feeling in her, because the facts had not changed: She wanted to protect her sister more than anything. Even if she didn't know why, or how, she knew she just had to do it anyway, and the panic losened its grip on her. She turned to face Erebus alongside the others.
But then she isn't there anymore.

She opens her eyes to unfamiliar scenery, a vaguely chilly feeling, and a sense of being out of place. This is not the Abyss of Time. The Great Seal is nowhere in sight. Neither is Erebus, and really, a squirming, swarming accumulation of deathwishes couldn't exactly be concealed that easily. Metis looks around, disoriented, but all she can see is stone and sky and plants. It doesn't take longer than one step for her to lose her balance, and surprisingly it hurts to fall, it hurts, even though it doesn't make any sense at all for it to hurt. Metis has never been fragile, she can fend for herself! She can handle being alone-

And it sinks in.
They're not here. She's not here. Aigis is not here. She said she wouldn't leave her behind, she promised, but now...

Metis cries. With the feeling of loneliness boring itself into her gut, she cries until the tears stop before she gets up and takes a few unsteady steps towards the stone altar, the only thing in the landscape that seems to have some kind of purpose. She almost falls once more then, feeling something sting on her abdomen, and catches herself on the altar - her first actual look at herself, even while the water is still rising around her. The sight has her eyes widen in surprise and disbelief. This is not what she looks like at all. Her joints are weird, the surface too soft, and already damaged from her first fall earlier, her feet are completely different, her mask is gone-the mark underneath her bellybutton, although glowing dark red, barely even registers past all the other changes to her body. Metis examines herself in the reflecting water, turning climsily in her new, human body, confused and at a loss. What is this? What has happened to her? A wide range of emotions, from confusion to anger to despair assaults her the longer she looks at herself and can't seem to make any sense of it at all. One thing, and only one thing remains certain in her mind. She has to get back to where Aigis is.

*zodion, #ooc

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