Dec 05, 2006 01:42
I’m not sure why I suddenly turned to look up and out my window.
I turned and looked out my window by my desk, and saw the moon, so bright, full and luminous, with fast moving, inky black clouds moving overtop. The clouds were like black chiffon, veiling the moon and then revealing, and veiling again. Finally the moon just disappeared under the clouds. I waited, but there was no more sign of the moon. I begin typing this entry, looking out my window, and she reappears-bright and white only in spots as the clouds continue to move.
The moon has a huge, navy blue circle around her now. I don’t know if this is possible but she seems brighter- the clouds around her are now grey.
I just finished writing a 20 page paper on the Eucharist. I wrote about how the Eucharist is Christ present, but veiled. Christ never leaves us. Thank You for the moon, and thank You for Your sacrifice.
-The moon is gone again. I know she’s still there.