May 15, 2006 12:13
-A nun takes the veil-
I have desired to go
Where springs not fail,
To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail
And a few lilies blow.
And I have asked to be
Where no storms come,
Where the green swell is in the havens dumb,
And out of the swing of the sea.
-Gerard Manley Hopkins
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Catholics are saved by grace. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Works do not redeem me, but they show to the world that Christ is my Savior and that I live for Him.
Works might not save, but living a life for Christ is still nessisary. I could provide you with links and better explanations, but it sound like you have made up your own mind already.
Interesting you speak of 'a spirit of unity'...the same spirit of unity Christ felt, when he fellowshipped with the tax collectors and prostitutes? The same redeeming love you speak of is the same kind that shuts outs others of a different denomination? Interesting. Do explain.
How many Catholics are you saving by shutting us out, if we are such a force of evil? Do you really care for the supposedly nessisary salvation for our souls, if you don’t even want us in your private community about hair? What are you afraid of? If you believe strongly enough to shut us out, shouldn’t you believe strongly enough to try and save them?
I wished to join your community because I have friends there and like the frequent postings. I have never seen any discussion of religion: hair seems to be fairly non-denominational. The fact that somehow a Catholic might bring about a spiritual taint is probably the least Christian additude I have ever heard.
Well, perhaps I am glad I am not the ‘type of person’ you wish to fellowship with. Christ still likes me just the same. I’ll pray you allow the spirit of Christ’s ministry (the works he did: remember those? Why did He bother, anyway? My works may not save me, but they do show the world the way someone madly in love with her Savior might act) to penetrate your life.
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