Jun 17, 2009 13:14
I hate growing my hair out. I look like a missing member of the Ramones. I should look into extensions if I want this to actually work for me.
Dear Sky,
I am ready for a string of truly nice, mid 80's, sunny, smile inducing, weather. Not one beautiful day sprinkled in between successive gray humid rainy warm ones. Two things burden me, dear climate maker. One, this mugginess equals frizzy hair, so now instead of just looking like an aforementioned band mate, I look like Joey and Bozo's bastard child. Two, the seal on the roof of my car is broken, thus rain means a stinking wet mildew mobile if I go anywhere, if I just stay home it sets in the garage nice and dry but that's no fun. Also, maybe if it gets nice and hot whatever is make my allergies go bananas will die.
Thanks in advance,
Today I am going to begin reading the Langoliers, go to the gym for some extreme fitness, eat turkey kebabs at Ryan's family home, and possibly go see UP.
The sun is coming out....