((ooc: Not really meant for anyone to comment on, but feel free to. He's just expressing himself.))
Um... I like An-chan. Oh! I heard the argument. And I don't agree with Osakada-san. She said that no one likes An-chan, but... hnn. I don't know what caused them to fight. Maybe it's something that nobody really needs to worry over or really be bothered with. Who all has taken that into account, I wonder... This is a little sad. I guess there was bound to be some fighting with so many people and rivals here, but at the same time, I was more concentrated on how much fun it's supposed to be that I guess I forgot something like this might happen. I hope that no one meant anything... I cringed just hearing some of that. Ah, I feel sorry for all three of you girls. If you hadn't have fought, though, things could have ended up worse later on. But you can't know now. Maybe it wouldn't have been... this is a hassling for people, though, right now.
I'm getting to spend time with a few people. It's really nice. ^-^ Come see me and Kawa-ru more, you guys! Oh, but she hasn't been feeling good, so maybe short visits? Or I could come out and do something, but I don't want to leave her alone for too long. Shinji-san, would you help me keep an eye out for my kitty? Poor girl...
((OOC:: Logs will be posted as soon as possible!))