(no subject)

Sep 10, 2007 18:15

In Israel. Current status: coughing from some sort of broncial thing i can't get rid of, and possibly feverish. Just had this brief conversation i thought was worth reposting.


Brent: look what someone left me in my honesty box on facebook..
Brent: "I think you’re a serious homo. Dude you’re going to hell for real."
ron: lmao
Brent: what should i say?
Brent: what the fuck should i say?
Brent: its from a girl
Brent: dude
ron: 'first, i don't believe in hell. granted, my belief that hell doesn't exist doesn’t negate its existence, but that's a different discussion. more importantly, and this is my second point, if hell does exist, i dont know if my being a serious homo, as compared to an amateur one, is the sin that will put me there. i mean, we should really review this when you have more time, as i presume you are an expert. from my very brief review of the bible (and ill certainly defer to you, as you are the expert) i think that so many other issues will already result in my being sent to hell. having said that, does it make a difference if i stick my cock in my boyfriend’s rectum? i mean, really, id like to know.. i look forward to your feedback. '
ron: ‘also, if i downgrade my homo status to amateur and clean up my act generally, can i be saved? by amateur, i promise only to engage in rectal penetration like once a month.. reasonable?’
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