The Giant Cosmic Sperm and Vagina of Space-Time

Aug 30, 2007 09:37

Random thoughts from a friend that deserve reposting:

"Currently I believe that we are all travelling at light speed in a Giant Cosmic Sperm. We are making our way through the Vagina of Space-Time and
everything about us is determined not by the False Perceptual World
around us, but rather by the Waves of the Vagina. These waves all
influence our actions and our behaviors, and we would be fooling
ourselves not to bow down in Awe at the Vagina and its Waves. I believe
that we can all achieve happiness if we do this. In fact, I believe
that I believe that I believe that I believe that I believe that I
believe that I believe that I believe. And that's all that matters.

Soon the Vagina will expel us like the disease that we are. And we will have
to just accept it, because the Vagina knows best. To prepare myself for
the occasion I am manufacturing a scarf from my neighbor's pubic hair.
He doesn't mind because he is blind and doesn't know. Someday I will
use the rest of his body for an armchair." - j.
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