May 28, 2007 22:01
Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
Tagged By: Renei
Tagging: To the 8 people who has read this, do this.
1. I feel extremely bad seeing old people walking, eating, shopping ALONE. Especially those who seem like they're struggling to move or are doing things at their own pace. But the fact that they're making a real effort, it just makes my heart sink even more. I always feel like I should do something for them. Where are their children??
2. In order to maximise my shower towels, I have a routine pattern in using which part of the towel first, front or back, left or right? Initially, I was going to type up my step by step procedure but decided against it.
3. I love love analyzing captivating lyrics with intriguing beats or lovely melodies.
4. I think I may get overly possessive with my adored bands and shows. Possessive up to the point you'd want to smack me at the back of my head. Ask dihia.
5. I take an extremely long time picking out groceries, I mean extremely. Ask dihia.
6. I get freaked out by guys' choice of action easily.
7. My favorite fast food food is onion rings.
8. I've grown to (sort of) love cooking.
9. I can make my shoulder bones pop out.
10. I can also make my ears wiggle. (Though I have to concentrate prior.)
11. I tend to just randomly reply when a stranger says something to me out of the blue even if I didn't properly hear what they said.
12. I take so long in finishing my food. Always the last in any group of people I eat with. High school, college, uni, family. I am that slow. Even my 5 year old cousin's beat me to it.
13. If I drink, I end up scratching myself to sleep, and I resume this activity once I wake up. Yes, yes it isn't pleasant.
14. I have the fitness age of a 64 year old person. But I promise, I am working on it. (Though, it's on hiatus as of the moment because mom's here. hehe)
15. I get grossed out when there's too many little things (living or not) clustered together. Just thinking of it now gives me goosebumps. Yech.