Title: Discovering another World
Author: Amber
Beta: Red
Fandom: LOTR/Avatar: The Air Bender cartoon.
Artist: Mangacrack
Link to Art:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/344948Rating/Type: FPS/AU/R
Characters: Elrond, Glorfindel, Celeborn, Eönwë, Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, Katara, Toph
Disclaimer: All the major characters belong to either Tolkien or Nickelodeon.
Summary: After a party gets out of hand, four from Valinor discover they have been transported to another world where they are caught up in the politics and war.
Note 1: I am using Fiondil’s idea that Eönwë is Eru’s Oathkeeper in this Fic.
Note 2: This story was written for Alex’s Big Bang Challenge coming in at 30,995.
Chapter 9:
After talking with Iroh, Glorfindel decided to extract the information about the spirits’ whereabouts from the children in order to help deflect Iroh’s interest in what their plans were. While he did not think the fire bender meant them any harm, he did not want him to suffer a conflict of conscious over his powers at the last minute. He had lived with his powers his whole life and it would be hard on him at this point to loose them. It would also protect him from prosecution from his fellow benders after this was all over with. And, this way they would not need to use the children to help defeat the Fire Lord.
The next day he spent the time he had gently probing Toph and Katara for the information he needed from them while refreshing their combat skills. At dinner that night he asked where the boys were staying as he wanted to visit them before heading back to his friends. He also wanted to assess their fighting skills like he had the girl’s. Iroh was suspicious but finally told him where to find the boys. He made his final plans for his return as he laid down to rest that night.
“Are you going after the spirits?” Iroh asked him pointedly as he prepared to leave the next morning.
“Not now,” Glorfindel answered him deceptively. “We still do not know enough and it may not help anyway. We will try to find another way first. We will let you know if that is what we decide to do.”
Iroh was relieved at his answer and wished him good luck as Glorfindel headed into the woods.
Glorfindel waited until he was sure none of those he left behind could see him then broke into a run. It took him until sun down to reach the valley where the boys were hiding. No bothering to wait, he made himself known and walked into their camp under the edge of an overhang. He said little as he was greeted by Aang and Sokka. Zuko remained in the back ground as usual. He ate what they shared with him before informing them he was there to test their combat skill which he would do in the morning. He updated them on the failed attempt to defeat the Fire Lord and left it at that as they all laid done to rest that night.
The following morning he tested Zuko and Sokka first before he took a break and asked them to tell him of their adventures before they defeated the Fire Lord the first time. It was easy for him to see that Zuko had been a lost, bitter child left with no choices when he finally met up with Aang. He listened closely to the information about the Northern Water Tribe and their city that Sokka included in his story. When he mentioned the water spirits and the poisoning of the one he saw the loss it invoked when he described how the tribe’s princess had given her life to recharge the spirit.
Glorfindel decided to digest this information while testing Aang. They sparred for close to an hour before he pronounced himself satisfied with Aang’s progress. When they quit, Aang led him over to a small lake where they bathed and talked before returning to the others. Learning what he wanted to know, he decided not to stay the night but to leave at sundown. The boys were sad to see him go but did not ask him to stay longer when he relayed his want to see how his friends were doing as well as the need to find more information in one of the near by cities.
Glorfindel headed further south and west towards a distant city for several miles before he doubled back and headed in the opposite direction to where his friends were waiting. Since he knew exactly where he was heading rather than searching this time, it only took him ten days to return to their woodland camp. Arriving in the dead of night, he ate a quick meal after cleaning up before turning in to sleep. He would relay his information to the others in the morning.
When he finally woke, Glorfindel was delighted to hear that Eönwë had managed to achieve a semi awake state some times as Elrond stayed by his side and updated him on the his progress. Hurrying through his absolutions, he joined the others in a meal and relaxed before talking.
“Was the trip helpful?” Celeborn finally asked when he thought enough time had passed.
“It was,” came the thoughtful reply. “I think I have a plan thought out that we can use to at least take out the element benders,”
“You plan to attempt to destroy the spirits then,” Eönwë asked through Elrond as he listened to Glorfindel.
“I think it is the only way although I have discovered what might be a hitch to my plan,” he answered.
“And that is?” Celeborn prodded.
“The Fire Nation had previously managed to poison and kill one of the Northern Water Nation’s spirits when Aang went there to train,” Glorfindel started to explain. “The nation’s princess was able to revive the spirit by giving up her own life essence to it.”
Elrond looked to Eönwë as he waited to relay what he was being told.
“He says he remembers Katara telling him the story when he asked her how she had learned her skills,” Elrond finally said. “The princess was able to transfer her essence because the spirits had given her some of their essence when she was born to save her life. Eönwë thinks it is a special circumstance that it happened that way and not the norm as few of his kind would wish to share part of themselves with any but their mate.”
“If this is so then we can do this except, how do you kill a spirit? Would the poison really have done more than kill the hroa?” Celeborn asked as he realized it was something they needed to know.
“Eönwë says that if they are weak enough, it can work although in truth it is not really killing them. It just releases their spirit which is then caught up and returned to Eru,” Elrond relayed.
“Then it only remains to decide in which order do we take out the spirits as I assume you have learned their locations and how we travel there from here.” Celeborn stated.
They discussed the order and methods of destruction for anther hour before Elrond rose to assist Eönwë in eating what little he could. Despite there careful care, Eönwë’s hroa was growing weaker. They had still not discussed what they were going to do about the Maia in the Fire Lord’s court but they could do that as they prepared to leave on their other mission. Glorfindel watched as Elrond worked more on healing Eönwë after settling him. He saw Celeborn settle near him to catch him as he collapsed in exhaustion a few hours later. He help settle Elrond on his sleeping pallet before the two walked away to sit by the stream.
“He does not normally collapse that soon,” Glorfindel commented as Celeborn passed him a glass of what turned out to be apple juice.
“He has weakened himself greatly in attempting to heal Eönwë,” came the worried response. “I am not sure how much longer he can keep this up.”
“And Eönwë?” Glorfindel asked bluntly.
“He is able to stay semi awake for a few hours a day but can do next to nothing,” he answered honestly. “The slightest movement steals his energy. He will not be able to help us.”
“And mentally?” Glorfindel asked next.
“He spends more of his time training Elrond rather than let him waste his energy trying to heal him. I think Elrond has done all he can do in the healing of his fëa and now he is just helping him to maintain what little he can do. He will be able to help us plan but that is it other than providing information about the spirits,” was the depressed answer.
“It will have to be enough,” Glorfindel admonished him. “It will be enough. Has Elrond asked him about the healing idea he had for the dark Maia?”
“He wanted you to be back so Eönwë could tell us all at once,” he answered carefully. “I don’t think we are going to like what he tells us.”
“I suspected as much when Elrond first mentioned it,” came the quiet answer. “But I also suspect that there is no other choice left open to us with Eönwë down.”
“We can give him time then, to rest and heal him self,” Celeborn finally said after many minutes of silence. “You and I should be able to deal with the other spirits together.”
“We will tell them in the morning,” Glorfindel said with a twinkle in his eyes. It was time the elders here put the younger one in his place. They spent the rest of the night star gazing lost in their thoughts.
Chapter 10:
They spent the next week preparing and planning to leave for the Southern Water Kingdom as they had decided that was to be their first destination as it was the furthest away. It had taken some time but they had finally convinced Elrond of the soundness of their plan. Eönwë had finally intervened and convinced Elrond that it was the best option that they had.
“Besides, I need to work with you on what you will have to do with the Maia,” he told Elrond. “We will be all right if we work in shorter lengths of time so that it will not exhaust you. You have neglected yourself while tending to me.”
“You needed the attention,” Elrond argued lamely as he gave in. He knew Eönwë was right but was uneasy about being left here alone. He also worried about his father-in-law and the friend he considered a brother.
“We will be fine,” Glorfindel told him as he and Celeborn rose to leave. “Eru has ensured that our hiding place here is safe so the two of you will not be found. We will be alright and not take any unnecessary risks as we wish to return home in one piece.”
“Do you have any idea how long you will be gone?” Elrond asked as he walked with them to near the edge of their woods.
“I would assume several months at least but we cannot be sure,” Celeborn answered. “We have decided to go after the Fire Nation’s spirits second as the Air spirits are on our way to the Northern Water Tribe. They have isolated themselves enough that hopefully they will not know what we are about when we go there.”
“I doubt our departure will be very gracious,” Glorfindel quipped as they parted. “Do not worry about us. Spend your time learning what you can from Eönwë and remember not to tire yourself to the point of exhaustion.”
Elrond watched them until he could no longer see them from the tree he was sitting in near the rode before he headed back to their camp and made supper for himself and Eönwë. He prayed to Eru that everything go as well as could be expected.
Glorfindel and Celeborn traveled for two weeks before they reached the coast. They stopped to rest for the day and stole a small sail boat the following night. They followed the coast south for as long as they could before beaching to rest and restock their supplies before heading across the south sea. They made faster time than they had expected due to the currents and within a week were landing on the coast of the southern continent. They followed the maps they had drawn from the merchant’s supply warehouse and headed into the hills looking for the spirits.
Finally finding the right crevice leading into a little ice valley, they crossed and entered the cave on the far side where they found what they believed were the spirits. They wore the hroa of two walruses as they slept on a shelf in the corner. Celeborn approached carefully while Glorfindel stood ready to assist if the spirits woke. Knowing he would have to be fast to complete this before the second one woke, Celeborn placed himself at an angle where he could strike both with ease. Nodding to Glorfindel to let him know he was ready, he sliced first one head and then the other off of the walruses. There was a back lash of power so great that it threw Celeborn across the room but then they watched as both of the figures faded away.
“Well, two down eight to go,” Glorfindel said as he helped Celeborn off the floor. “I hope all are this easy.”
“Just remember, you get to take out the Fire Nation’s dragon spirits,” Celeborn quipped as they made their way back out of the little valley. “Now let us hope we encounter no one on our way back north.”
“They have succeeded in taking out the Southern Water Tribe’s spirits,” Eönwë told Elrond when he woke and connected himself to Eönwë’s mind the next morning.
“How do you know?” Elrond asked.
“I felt it as they died,” he answered.
“Will the other spirits be able to feel it also?” Elrond wanted to know. Celeborn and Glorfindel’s safety would be compromised if they could.
“I do not think so,” he said as he considered how he knew and what he could tell in explanation. “It was my Oathkeeper side that provided the information.”
“Then the others might still be safe?” Elrond asked although he knew there was no way Eönwë could assure him of what he wanted to know.
“Elrond, calm down, everything will be alright,” he tried to reassure him.
“I know. I guess everything is just starting to get to me,” wearily responded. “You would think I would be used to everything going wrong in my life by now.”
“It has made you stronger little one,” Eönwë explained. “You took on the duties of a Maia as little more than a child without knowing it. And it is our fault for never training you. It was believed that without the training you would settle into life as an elf but you never did. Your life of ease in Valinor was supposed to be a reward after all you had suffered in Middle-earth. But, your sense of duty is exceptionally strong. You fall into a class of Maia that is small but valued very much. Unfortunately, it leaves little time for family or anything else.”
Elrond started as Eönwë said this last bitterly. “You are also part of this group,” he stated.
Eönwë confirmed that observation before he declined to explain anything else right now. He left Elrond alone to thing as he retreated into himself. Elrond let him be as he considered what he had been told. He knew his conflict came from his mixed blood and that he needed to resolve it before it caused any more problems. Settling himself beside the stream he sank into meditation as he prayed for guidance.
Glorfindel and Celeborn encountered a furious storm on their way back north that blew their little boat off course. When the storm finally cleared, the saw an island in the distance and headed toward it to rest and hopefully restock some of their supplies as most had been lost overboard. They also wanted to fix their position before starting out again.
“If I am reading the stars and maps right, the wind has blown us a great distance,” Celeborn explained to Glorfindel as he prepared a meal of roasted conies he had managed to catch. “We have been blown so far north as to be almost at the area we had planned to come ashore and look for the Earth Nation’s spirits. The mainland should only be a day away to the west.”
“So we go out of order and attack the Earth spirits next,” Glorfindel said commented easily.
“It does not bother you to deviate from our plans?” Celeborn wanted to know. “We chose as we did to prevent the Fire Nation from finding out what we were doing from one of the other type benders.”
“I think they are arrogant enough to not take what they are being told seriously,” came the thoughtful response. “Even after what has happened to them they are secure in their supposed strength because of the Maia and Fire Lord’s attitudes. Besides, I do not wish to back track.”
Celeborn was unsure if it was the right course but agreed to the change of plans. They stayed the night and left with the sunrise the next morning. Once on the mainland they traveled several miles inland before entering the stand of trees their directions led them to. Then they traveled several miles through the woods to their destination.
“Elephants!” Glorfindel exclaimed as he saw the big lumbering creatures surrounding the entrance to a clearing.
“Be glad they are not Oliphaunts,” Celeborn said humorlessly as they watched the animals feed and play. “These are small by comparison.”
“This will take both of us I think,” came the calculating response. “If we are lucky we might survive this with only broken bones.”
“Let us get this over with,” Celeborn said as he shivered knowing that waiting and watching was only making everything worse.
They had hoped that the back lash of power would make the elephants outside of the clearing go away but they had no such luck. They had exited the clearing to find the herd waiting for them. The stampede that had chased them all the way to the coast had been quite large. They both thanked Eru repeatedly that elves were swift footed and fast for that was the only thing that had saved them. Now they were back in their boat heading for open sea. They both wanted to sail as far as possible north away from the elephants before they tried to land again.
“I am glad we decided to leave our gear in the boat,” Glorfindel commented as he pointed out an area he thought might serve as a possible landing place.
“I just hope that is the only reception like that we receive,” Celeborn said as he steered the boat towards a small beach. “The spirits were supposed to be dormant. Nobody said anything about their being guardians with the spirits.”
“From the stories, the Fire Spirits are in a deserted temple most have forgotten the location of,” Glorfindel rejoined.
“Why do I sense that you are not telling me something,” Celeborn sighed wearily as he helped Glorfindel carry the few supplies they had managed to keep to a make shift camp.
“I overheard Aang tell stories of one of the air spirits contacting him in his sleep,”
he answered. “It was a dragon.”
Celeborn just looked at him for a minute before he made his next comment. “Let us just hope it has lapsed back into a comatose state since Aang lost his powers.”
The two spent the next two days at their little camp making plans before heading northwest into the desert hills of the Fire Nation.
“You are kidding me right?” Celeborn asked incredulously as he looked at the two large pillars of rock that Glorfindel was telling him were the Fire Spirit dragons.
“Now you know why I packed that powder similar to Mithrandir's fireworks stuff,” came the quiet answers as Glorfindel began pulling the keg and some cord out of his backpack. “Here, run the fuses.”
“This is cheating,” Celeborn said after deciding that humor was the only way to approach this impossible task. “Just for this, you can take out the Air dragon yourself.”
Glorfindel just smirked at him as he continued to poor out the black powder. Silently, he was being thankful that he had been forced to learn engineering back in Gondolin by Turgon. In this case it was the only hope they had.
Finally ready, they nodded to each other and lit the fuses before sprinting away. The sound of the explosion and crashing rock gave them hope that they had achieved their aim but they still waited several hours before venturing back to what was left of the temple. Then they spent hours digging through the rocks and rubble to ensure they had destroyed the dragons. Finding no evidence of their existence they decided to head down the opposite side of the mountain before finding a crevice to rest in for the night.
The two elves made their way further north, climbing into a fir forest before finding the cave they sought for the Air Spirit dragon. Glorfindel led them deep into the cave before they finally encountered the dragon. They were surprised to see that he was little more than a faded shadow and worried that their plan of cutting off it’s head would not work. Choosing to just hurry through this Glorfindel signaled Celeborn to wait behind a large boulder and drew out his sword. Approaching from an angle behind the dragons left shoulder, he struck swiftly and cleanly. His blade passed straight through the dragon as if he had struck air but the head fell away anyway. The backlash of power was little more than a strong wind that blew him across the room and into the wall. Then the dragon’s shape dissolved. The two elves just looked at each other in disbelief before finally leaving the cave to find somewhere to make camp for the night and plan their next move.
The weather turned colder the further north they moved but they still traveled quickly. After two more weeks of travel they encountered the Northern Sea. Finding an abandoned boat which they could easily fix, they settled for a few days in a cave just back a ways from the shore. They rested for a few days and made what plans they could as they prepared themselves for their final encounter which would be the hardest. These were the only Spirits were actually were know to be active and surrounded themselves with people. Praying to Eru for strength, guidance, and protection they put their faith in him to watch over them as they settled down for the night.
It was just before morning when their internal senses woke them warning that they were not alone anymore. They were surprised to wake and find themselves surrounded by eight older but hale men. Their clothing marked them as members of the Northern Water Bending Tribe. They sat up slowly as the men in turn bowed to them. Finally one came closer and sat down beside the fire.
“You are the elves Iroh has written to us about,” he stated as he looked them over.
Neither elf answered but they quietly signaled in code to each other to wait and hear what the man had to say before attacking.
“We few who remember the old tales have talked amongst ourselves for years of finding a way to stop the Fire Lord,” he began. “We know you have come here to destroy our Water Spirits.”
Celeborn and Glorfindel said nothing as they mentally prepared themselves to attack in whatever way they could.
“It was I who first brought up the ancient tales of how the spirits arrived and bending was first taught,” the man continued. “We have suspected for some time that only in destroying the spirits do we stand a chance of winning this war.”
Celeborn signaled to Glorfindel to say nothing. He knew from experience that making the man tell them everything without asking would make their position more powerful.
“The oldest of us have felt it as you have one by one destroyed the other spirits,” said an older man as he joined them at the fire in the circle. “Our own spirits have grown confused and agitated as each of the others has died.”
Finally, the youngest of the men surrounding them joined them beside the fire.
“Many years ago we felt the death of the first Air Spirit,” he began to explain. “We were amazed when Aang showed up with Katara not too long after that. We marveled and watched his strength despite only having one spirit guide. Furthermore, after one of our own spirits came close to death due to being poisoned by the Fire Lord’s people, we began to question and test our own abilities.”
“We have come to the conclusion that our powers will not depart the strongest of us right away but will slowly diminish over time depending on the strength of our gift,” the eldest explained. “We have also come to realized that we are a dying commodity anyway. Fewer and fewer are born each generation with the gift even within our own tribe which has the most active of the spirits.”
“We will help you destroy our spirits,” the youngest said as he tired of the speech.
“Why?” Celeborn asked as he finally deemed it time to speak.
“It is time,” was the only answer provided by the men. “We will guide you in undetected and guide you out safely but we will not take part or watch. We will spend the rest of our lives guiding out people in adjusting.”
Celeborn just bowed in acknowledgement as he rose and began gathering up their gear. Glorfindel followed suit and soon they were following the men on a discreet path into the city. The deed was done by nightfall and they soon found themselves back at the cave where they rested before turning south to return to their little woods and friends.
Chapter 11:
Celeborn and Glorfindel approached their camp in the woods in the dead of night after three weeks of travel. They could see a small fire burning through the trees and since someone was sitting before the fire assumed that Elrond had somehow known they would return that night and sat up to wait upon them. As they crossed the stream and approached the fire they were surprised to see a being made up of pure light sitting there stirring a pot of stew. Looking over to the lean-to they finally realized that both Elrond and Eönwë were asleep. The being signaled for them to put down their packs and eat as he held out bowls of stew for them. Since they could sense no ill content in the being they followed his directions assuming that he was the one Eru had assigned to protect the camp while they had been gone. After eating they were directed to cleaned up and rest.
When they woke the next morning the being was gone. Rising, they completed their morning absolutions before eating the small meal that had been prepared. They could see that the being had hunted some time during the night and a small deer was dressed out and drying on the far side of the camp. Finally feeling in control, they proceeded to check on Elrond and Eönwë. They were surprised to find both deep in healing sleeps. When Celeborn sought to wake Elrond the guardian appeared and stopped him with a shake of his head before disappearing once he had made himself understood. Finally, they settled into a routine of watch and waiting.
Four days later they were taking an evening meal when Elrond finally began to stir. Bringing water, they waited beside him until he was totally aware before making him drink. Then they slowly sat him up.
“Are you injured?” Celeborn asked as Glorfindel stuffed a blanket behind Elrond for support.
“Just drained,” the careful reply was as Elrond looked around the camp searchingly.
“The guardian is gone, we think,” Glorfindel supplied as he sat beside his friend. “Who exactly is he?”
“Eönwë said he is a brother supplied by Eru to watch over the camp while you were gone,” Elrond answered. “He told me I needed to rest and pushed me into sleep some time before you came back. How long have you been back?”
“We returned in the middle of the night four days ago,” Celeborn answered as he brought a bowl of thick broth forward for Elrond to eat. “How long has the guardian been here?”
“Since the day you left,” Elrond supplied around sips. “He was sent to watch over us so I could rest. Eönwë has been training me in what I need to do to defeat the Maia who stands beside the Fire Lord. How did your mission go?”
“The spirits are all dead,” Glorfindel told him. “We stayed away from people after killing them so we do not know what kind of affect it has had on the benders. The Northern Water Nation met and guided us to our goal there.”
“I suppose we will have to go into town and do a reconnaissance mission before we set out for the Fire Lord’s city,” Celeborn said as he settled Elrond back down enough to relax.
“No,” Elrond interrupted. “Eönwë says we will only have one shot at this. They will be expecting us to come to town and see what is going on. We should just go when we are ready and do this. I want to go home.”
“Can you do this?” Glorfindel asked gently.
“Eönwë thinks I can but it will take all I have to defeat the Maia,” he answered. “You two will have to defeat every one else including the Fire Lord.”
“Define all that you have,” Glorfindel demanded to know.
Elrond looked away before finally answering. My fëa will be left in much the same mental state as Eönwë was when he first was defeated by the Fire Lord.”
“So we will have to bring you out on top of everything else,” his friend asked as he thought about the situation.
“Can you recover from this injury, my son?” Celeborn wanted to know.
“It will take time but I believe so,” Elrond said quietly.
“That is not good enough Elrond,” Glorfindel snapped as he rose and stalked off. After a few minutes he took a deep breath and came back. “Why must it always be you who has to sacrifice?”
“It is part of who I am, my brother,” he answered. “I am learning that it is part of the reason I was created.”
“I do not like it but obviously I have no choice,” the blonde grumbled as he sat down. Then he changed the subject. “The being was forcing you to rest?”
Elrond just nodded while he decided how much to tell them.
“I have healed Eönwë all that I am able. For most of the time you were gone I have been learning to use my Maian powers. There is nothing else he can teach me here so the guardian put me to sleep to recover.”
“You have grown weak,” Celeborn stated rather than asked.
“Have we not all,” came the tired reply. “You need to rest before we make plans.”
Celeborn and Glorfindel help Elrond lay back down before moving back to the fire for a few minutes. Finally, Glorfindel picked up a basket to go gather what fruit and vegetables he could find while Celeborn began cleaning their gear so they were ready when it came time to move out.
The next morning was spent doing chores around the camp while Elrond slept in. When he finally woke, they cleaned up and settled to eat the lunch Celeborn had created. Finally they settled down to plan out what they hoped was the final battle.
“I think we should just go for it with minimal planning,” Elrond finally said after listening to the other’s plans.
“Elrond, you know we cannot do that,” Glorfindel protested.
“Why not," Celeborn asked. “We never follow our plans anyway.”
“Hey,” Glorfindel protested before finally conceding the point with a smile. “So we just go for it and hope we pull it off?”
Elrond nodded his head in agreement with Celeborn.
“But when?” came the blonde’s next question.
“The sooner the better,” Elrond said as he looked over at Eönwë. “He needs help before he begins to fade away.”
Glorfindel and Celeborn exchanged a silent message before agreeing. Then they told Elrond to take a walk and then lay down again. Once he was asleep they talked between themselves about who would watch Elrond and who would fight the Fire Lord. Then they prepared the camp for their departure in two days time.
When Elrond woke on the agreed upon day he found Celeborn and Glorfindel sitting beside the fire with their packs beside them. He also saw were they had left clean clothes and bathing necessities near him. Taking the hint and understanding their intent he went to the stream and prepared himself. Finally settling beside Glorfindel, he took the bowl they offered and ate while they finished preparing the camp for their departure. When Glorfindel moved to communicate with Eönwë to let him know they were leaving he was stopped by their guardian who signaled that he would tell their friend. Finally they were ready. Bowing a final time to the guardian they departed through the woods.
The traveled slowly to avoid wearing out Elrond as he was showing the signs of his exhaustion and weakness. Finally they camped with a larger group at the edge of the valley leading into the Fire Lord’s city. They socialized with some merchants who they soon realized worked for their former employers and were accepted as part of their group. Everyone agreed that falling in with these merchants was beyond luck since Celeborn has brought their employment papers on a whim in case they needed them for some reason. The following morning the elves spread themselves out amongst the large group of merchants as they entered the valley and proceeded to the city.
The easy with which they entered the city would have surprised them had they not suspected that it was part of a trap to draw them in. Not wasting any time they broke away from the other of their group and headed straight for the palace. Once at the front doors to the walled palace, they used what Elvin powers they had left to slip through the doors and into the courtyard unseen where they once again split up to seek out their targets. Glorfindel quietly slipped into the palace proper while Celeborn shadowed him from behind.
In a stroke of luck they came across Zuko’s sister Azula walking alone down the first hallway they came to. Without hesitation Celeborn picked up a nearby vase from a pedestal and struck her over the head hard from behind.
“One little viper down,” he commented at Elrond’s shocked look before explaining. “That little witch has ensured I will be in Galadriel’s bad graces forever for being gone so long.”
Elrond just shook his head in amusement and smirked as he gagged and tied Azula up while Celeborn looked for a suitable place to stash her so she would not be found any time soon. When Elrond had finished ensuring Celeborn had done no lasting damage to the girl’s head, he lifted the girl and followed Celeborn into a side room where they stuffed her into a large vase before surrounding it with pillows to ensure it didn’t fall and break. Elrond just shook his head and silently laughed as he imagined doing the same to his mother-in-law the next time she picked on him as they headed back out into the corridor.
Nearing the end of the corridor they began to hear shouts as they saw a crowd of soldiers gathering. Blending in with them and the other people standing around, they watched as Glorfindel challenged the Fire Lord in a small courtyard before them.
Glorfindel gave them a small signal while making a wild gesture as he continued his taunts which let them know he had noticed them. Finally the Fire Lord tired of Glorfindel’s taunts and began throwing streams of fire at him.
“It will take something much bigger than you to defeat me,” Glorfindel taunted again as he used the water bending skills he had learned to blocked the streams of fire. “I have defeated fire monsters of evil seven times your size and power.”
Celeborn and Elrond watched as the bending fight continued on for a while with Glorfindel calling continued slurs at the Fire Lord. Finally, out of the corner of Elrond’s eye he saw the strange Maia come and stand at the front outer edge of the crowd he and Celeborn were part of. Slowly shifting back and to his left, Elrond finally felt he was in a position to strike. Signally Celeborn with a nod of his head Elrond to a step forward and grabbed the Maia and held on with a powerful death grip.
The Maia was first shocked into stillness as he felt someone grab him from behind but then panicked as he felt a surge of power push at him. Growling in anger and surprise he began to fight and move trying to shake off whoever had grabbed him. Celeborn inserted himself between the crowd that had moved away and the fight between Elrond and Maia while joining Glorfindel in keeping the Fire Lord busy.
Soon one of the officers of the guard realized what was going on and by whom. Called the nearby troops into order he began to assist the Fire Lord in his fight. Suddenly, into the midst of the soldiers, the ground began to break up and rise. Soon, the soldiers and Fire Lord were assaulted from all sides by a mixture of benders from the Earth and Water nations as well as quite a few rouge fire benders. The troops quickly surrendered leaving only Glorfindel and the Fire Lord fighting and the strange Maia trying to shake Elrond off of himself.
Finally deciding he had had enough, Glorfindel called on what remained of his hidden strengths and revealed himself in all of his enhanced power to the Fire Lord. Taking advantage of his opponents shock, he pounced on him and encircled his head with his hands. He sent one final push of power into the Fire Lord’s head causing him to scream and pass out. Then he released the power and returned to his normal self. Then he turned to watch the remaining battle.
Elrond hung on to the Maia for all he was worth as he felt a power that was not his own surge through him. Slowly his opponent began to struggle less until he finally collapsed upon the ground. Still Elrond hung on as the power surged. Slowly a glow began to build around the two as time went on. Finally the glow encircled and engulfed them becoming so bright everyone looked away. A last burst of power surged before the Maia beneath Elrond’s hands disappeared in an explosion of light and Elrond collapsed to the ground.
Chapter 12:
Celeborn stretched and then snuggled back down into the blankets as he tried to drift back off to sleep before his wife noticed he was awake. His body still felt tired and unstrung from his time off Arda. He and the others had not really felt the differences in gravity and atmosphere between the two worlds until their return; they had been too busy to pay attention. Upon their return, it had been a rude shock to their systems. Eönwë and Elrond had both sustained enough physical and mental traumas from their battles that they had been taken into Lady Este’s direct care upon their return. He and Glorfindel had been whisked off to private pavilions by Lord Irmo’s people where they had been pushed into deep sleeps that lasted several weeks.
Celeborn had awakened two days before to find his wife sitting at his side. She had pushed him to leave the bed yesterday and at least sit in the sun for a few hours before returning to sleep. She had informed him that he would begin a regimen of physical therapy when he next awoke to help his body adjust back to the conditions here in Aman. She had also let him know that Glorfindel’s mother was presently informing him that he would be going through the same treatments. Then she had kissed him gently as his eyes drifted closed.
“I can see that you have awakened husband,” said the Lady Galadriel as she entered carrying a tray of fruit and breads. “Come, sit up and eat, for your daughter needs to see that you are well before you begin your exercises.”
“Has she seen Elrond?” he asked as he wanted an update on his son-in-law and Eönwë’s condition.
“She has not,” the golden lady answered. “They have asked her and Eönwë’s wife to wait so that they can treat them. Neither is happy about it.”
“Is there any update on how they are?” he asked. “Has anyone said?”
“That is why I am here, to answer your questions,” his great aunt, Melian answered as she came in the door along with her husband Elwe.
The two pulled up chairs and sat after exchanging hugs, and waited until Celeborn was finished eating.
“Glorfindel should be here in a few minutes,” she explained. “Then we will talk. Let us go out and sit in the sun until then.”
Galadriel helped Celeborn clean up and dress before assisting him to a small garden at the back of the pavilion where Glorfindel was already waiting with his parents beside him. Celebrían was sitting on the grass with her sons behind her. When he was settled on a bench and everyone had been handed glasses of refreshments they all looked to Melain for explanations.
“As Celeborn and Glorfindel now know, there are many worlds both in and out of Ea, which is the cosmic area we live in and the Valar control. Arda is not the only world that has developed, intelligent life on it, although it is the only world where the firstborn exist,” she began. “This world or area is also not the only world where there is a battle between good and evil going on. While Meklor and his minions are unique to Ea, there are other Ainur who went bad out there causing trouble elsewhere also. Eru has decided to use some from Arda to help fix problems on these other worlds both in Ea and out of it. You four kind of volunteered with your bad behavior.”
“But are elves not restricted to the circles of the world until the breaking?” Elladan asked.
“And all of us to EA,” Elrohir added.
“Normally yes,” she answered. “But, Eru can change the rules any time he wants. Eönwë is Ainur, so there was only a small change required there. Your Adar’s blood is mixed and therefore he was an easy choice for Eru to make when he was looking for someone. Glorfindel has been before Eru himself and been enhanced from that experience which made him another easy choice. Celeborn, you are another matter. It is easy for Eru to change the rules; he just made more changes to you than the others. We are not sure quite why you were chosen other than possibly it was just a matter of timing and situation.”
“So this was not a one-time situation?” Galadriel asked as she considered what they were being told. “Are there others who will be called on to do these ‘errands’ for Eru?”
Melian was silent as she considered her answer carefully and asked for guidance from Manwë.
“We suspect that this was not a one-time instance but do not know for sure,” she answered. “We do not know if anyone else will be called on to do these errands but we do know that there are others of your race that were enhanced by Eru in different ways.”
“So,” Elrohir started as he considered what they were being told and put it into prospective with what he had always been told of the end days. “Is this part of our destiny, what we are to become?”
“Eru has not revealed that information to us yet,” Lord Námo answered as he appeared in a flash of light outside of their circle. Waving at them to avoid the bows, he came and sat amongst them. “It would not be so far-fetched of an idea considering what we do know about you children. Would that not be better than just stagnating here doing nothing forever?”
Looking amongst themselves, there were smiles and nods all around.
“How are Elrond and Eönwë?” Celebrían asked as she spoke up for the first time.
“They are healing well and yes you will be able to see them tomorrow child,” Lord Námo told her. “We were not sure of the extent and types of damages they had suffered until we examined them closely. It was easier and quicker to evaluate and begin their healing undisturbed and for that I ask your forgiveness. They will both make a complete recovery in time although I think it is safe to say that all of the four of them were changed in some way from the experience.”
“Now, you two, I give you a choice,” Lord Námo said as he addressed Celeborn and Glorfindel. “You can go on to your therapy or you can sit here and tell us all of your adventures.”
Celeborn and Glorfindel looked at each other before agreeing. Then quietly Celeborn began to tell them their story.
Six hundred years later, in the gardens of Elrond’s home:
“I see you brought your minder,” Elrond teased as he saw Haldir follow Celeborn into the garden.
“I still have a hard time believing Celebrían thinks Erestor can control you and Glorfindel at the same time,” the silver haired lord quipped back as he sat at the table.
Elrond just shrugged his shoulders as he poured wine for his guests.
“So where are your shadow and keeper?” Celeborn continued.
“They will be here shortly,” came the quick answer. “Glorfindel said he had to pick up something up first.”
Seeing Celeborn’s questioning look, Elrond just shook his head.
“Have you heard from Eönwë lately?” Haldir asked as he sipped his wine.
“Lord Manwë has been keeping him busy when he doesn’t have him loaned out to one of the other Valar,” Elrond said smiling. “He hates the fact the Celebrían and his wife have become close friends. He claims your daughter is a bad influence.”
“He is one to talk,” Erestor said as he and Glorfindel came into the garden. “I am assuming since his wife is sitting in the pallor with your wives that he might swing by tonight.”
“It has been a while,” Glorfindel agreed as he placed a bag that clinked when he set it down beside his feet.
“Too long actually,” was the reply as a flash of light appeared behind them to become Eönwë. “So what is the occasion?”
No one spoke as Glorfindel pulled bags of whisky out of the bag at his feet.
“Put this in it instead of that stuff you used last time,” Eönwë said to Elrond as he threw a bag on the table.”
“Are you guys out of your minds?” Haldir screeched as Erestor just shook his head.
“Care to join us?” Glorfindel asked as he passed out the glasses.
“So,” Celeborn began as he looked at Eönwë. “Where do you think we will end up this time?”