Because, really, they're too darn cute to ignore...

Feb 14, 2008 19:04

 My first Ashes to Ashes ficlet. It's only a littl'un though, so I don't feel that ashamed of it at all.

Title: Needed Love
Rating: Oh, this is pure, soppy, whiter-than-white fic.
Word Count: 561
Pairing: Chris/Shaz (yay!)
A/N: Well, it is Valentine's day... So you can expect fluff.

A shadow fell across the magazine, subtly hidden behind yesterday’s unfinished paperwork, that she was reading. Tensing, Shaz looked up from the article to see Chris grinning down at her. Her guilty expression faded and she grinned back warmly.

“Got a surprise for you,” Chris said with a nod.

“For me?” Shaz said eagerly.

Chris nodded again. “Aye, you.”

“Really?” she asked, a trill of excitement rushing through her at the knowledge Chris wanted to surprise her. No one had ever been so willing to please her as Chris was; she had never known anyone so genuinely loving. Chris’ world seemed to gravitate around her, and, furthermore, she knew hers was beginning to also. But it was probably best not let Chris become aware of her reciprocated feelings, she thought worriedly, just in case he stopped trying to impress her like no other man had done before. She enjoyed basking in his attention. Quickly schooling her features into a calm look of cool, she added, “Will I like it?”

Chris’ huge smile didn’t falter. “You busy tonight?”

Shaz began twisting her short, dark hair around her finger, leaning casually forward she said coyly, “What if I am busy?”

Frowning, Chris shifted backwards awkwardly. “Are you?”

“It is Valentine’s,” Shaz said as if this answered Chris’ question.

“Busy with a bloke?” Chris asked, feigning casual indifference. “He nice then?”

Shaz studied Chris, his hair flopping forwards over his mismatched eyes, the shadow of an infectious, cheeky grin still ghosting his face. “He’s really nice,” Shaz said with true affection. “He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever known.”

“Oh,” Chris said, clearly struggling to think of something to say after that revelation. He even looked more disappointed than after he lost a bet to a young PC regarding the outcome of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and Shaz realised that the surprise had meant more to Chris than she’d ever allowed herself to believe.

“Chris-” she started, but he cut her off.

“No, don’t matter, Shaz. Well, you enjoy yourself, then, you deserve to,” he continued. “And this bloke had better treat you right,” he added emphatically with obvious bitterness, “or I’ll be forced to deal with him, show him how to respect a lady.”

Shaz bit her lip to stop herself from smiling at Chris’ comment; he was completely ignorant that he was jealous of himself. “Aw, that’s so gallant, Chris,” Shaz said. “But you’d be beating yourself up.”

“Huh?” Chris looked strangely dismayed. “No, I wouldn’t feel bad about it. Not if he hurt you.”

Shaz could hold it in no longer, she laughed aloud.

“Chris,” she said, stifling her giggles, “There isn't another bloke. I was talking about you.”

Chris still looked a little unsure.

Smiling, Shaz clarified further, “Chris, you are the sweetest guy I’ve ever known. You, not another bloke. And I’m not busy, not unless it’s with you.”

“Me,” said Chris quietly, looking thoroughly delighted by her comment. “So you do wanna come out with me? Tonight?” he asked, his excitement restored.

“Of course!” Shaz enthused.

“It’ll be dead fancy an’ everything,” Chris said, as if Shaz needed more convincing. “You’ll love it there.”

“I know I will,” Shaz agreed.

Because I love you, she thought, and, tossing her paperwork carelessly aside, she settled herself down to listen with amusement at Chris’ vast collection of CID anecdotes.

hetomgwhat?, fic, ashes to ashes

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