Any fool can easy pick a hole, I only wish I could fall in

Nov 01, 2004 21:29

Over the past month and a half alot has stuff has happened. First off, this time of year is very depressing for me because it brings back memories of a time a really want to put behind me. The temperature, the clothes i wear, the way the sun still shines bright, but coldly, every evening instead of hot like the summer. No Fun.

Some stuff happened about a month ago that really got me thinking about my life and my attitude toward things. I guess i rediscovered old friends who i hadnt been seeing, became friends with people i knew but never was close too (theres a few sets of those). I met new people, who i enjoy alot, but most of all i become alot closer with the 4 or 5 people who are most important in my life.

Charles - You and I are close enough to be brothers, i really feel shitty when we fight cause i know we can both be dicks (but thats why were friends uh uh uh). I don't know how many friday nights i would be sitting home bored if it wasnt for you, not to mention how much band would suck. I love your music and it really will take you far one day, untill then BATTLE 05' FUCKKA.

Ryan - To many inside jokes to list...and alot of crazy 80's teen movie misadventures to go with them. You've been my pal since 6th grade, and being friends with you really helped me through middle school, which fucking sucked the fat one. I dont know how to say how much you mean to me, you really are my best friend and you will always manage to make me happy.

Allie - If charles is my brother, and ryan is my gay lover (as you like to think), then you are my weird cousin. When me you and ryan hang out, it is unlike any other group of people, i am most certian. Im glad that our good taste in music has rubbed off on you (haha) and that your good taste rubbed off on me (deathcab?). Keep on truckin.

Nate/Frank - Your places in this twisted little family I am growing, would definetly be my big brothers. Whenever i need help, whether its getting bailed out of something not so fun, or just someone to talk to when i need to talk to someone. Or even when i just need to say ferry, you guys are always there for me. thanks.

I love you guys. Then there are the people I "discovered" hah.

Oleary, Brudner, Erin, Allison, Sanson, Barba, Chris Paul, Kenny, Jay, probobly some people i forgot - You guys amaze me. You are hilarious, and, you are the closest knit group of people i know. If everyone treated their friends like you guys treat eachother, the world would be such a better place.

Chris, Reenstra, Adam - SPUD GUN CREW. hell yea. nuff said. bitch. Nothing beats nailing some well constructed plywood with some high caliber, high explosive, napalm encrusted, laser guided Grade A idaho potatos.

Kamilla and Kristina - we arent good friends, but when you guys do stuff like come and talk to me when you see me on my street it really makes my day. not to mention your feet...

Sarah, Rachel, Janna and Kaitlin - you guys are awesome. I cannot beleive that i managed to go over a year without talking to you. God knows what i missed.

Dan - My days would be both less jovial and wacky without talking to you, or making faces at you in the hallways. One day we will visit 7th period forensics and all will be right with the world.

And, when i said i met new people, i really only met 2 haha, melissa and sarah are definetly awesome kids i need to get to know better though.

Life is alot better when you can sit down, drink some tea, relax and lay down without worrying about one petty thing after another. Some people werent meant to be friends and some people just werent meant to be, no matter how much one person could ever wish it. I guess humans arent that powerful after all. I tried, but there really is no substitute, at least anyone i have met at this point in my life. I'm sorry.

Its been a crazy month. I hope the people in this will read it.
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