....BUT SERIOUSLY this Dayshift has been absolutely INSANE for Sylar to the point that I'm not sure whether to be so fucking excited or to worry that I'm overdoing his melodrama in this rare moment of serious development and emotional turmoil. BUT WHO AM I KIDDING I'M OBV. FUCKING EXCITED ANYWAY. And oh my god I'm fangirling
nest's Spock posts so hard too. SO HARD. omgomgomg
But yeah, like... first Kirk mistakes him for Spock, then Faize indirectly reminds him that he needs to get his damn alchemy working, then he finds Claire in the Courtyard and gets all CREEPY BASTARD on her, and then he MEETS WITH MOMMY OMG OMG and like the Gabriel stuff always worries me because I always get squicked out by how a lot of other players do it with the MPD shit and stuff so sjfhaksf I HOPE I DID IT OKAY AND THEN WHEN HE'S IN LIKE THIS INTENSE EMOTIONAL STATE, HE HAS SPOCK HIMFUCKINGSELF THROWN IN HIS FACE. And oh god both of them have such self-image issues and skjfaksfhkaldsf OH MY GOD I AM LOVING THIS SO BAD LIKE I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE HOW PUMPED AND HAPPY AND LOOKING FORWARD TO HOW THIS ALL PLAYS OUT IN THE LONG RUN OH GOD OH GOD.
Also - and this is pathetic, I know - but I'm so proud of myself for actually like... keeping up with his tags and not horribly dropping threads like I always do. ;; I mean, I'm still posting relatively slowly and I spend way too much time overthinking his posts but IT'S JUST A REALLY NICE FEELING to be so active, even if it's with just one character.