Many, I'm sure, would say that there is justification of some sort behind each and every detail of their day. Every occurance happens, supposedly, for a reason, and although I had never subscribed to such a belief myself, I do have to wonder in light of a recent incident that befell us. The particular job we had arrived for on that morning was located at, of all places, the tourist-infested, overgrown mall known as the universal Citywalk. It had also happened to delayed and, having nothing in particular to occupy our time with, we set out to find ourselves something more-or-less edible to qualify as lunch. Strangely enough, this came to be more challenging than one would assume finding food in what is possibly one of LA's most gigantic malls to be, as it was a quarter past nine, and most of the food-vending establishments were not open for buisness quite yet. Eventually our mission* was accomplished and, fattened somewhat, we began making our way back to the meeting point. A few moments later, the good sir Scott Sterling showed up, and during our brief conversation I managed to spot something quite uncharacteristic of the citywalk - located just across the street was a sizable exposition of Erte's various works. Everything from 1923 Vogue covers to P. Poiret design sketches for clothing, hats and jewelry. and...just about everything. There were also statues in great numbers. It was nice to see a change from the tacky assortment of second-rate artwork usually seen in a mall - from the "king of the remote" pillows to the sort of stuff you expect to see gracing the lobby of a Holiday Inn. After the fast-growing momentum of Ross and Thomas Kinkade fans, one would most logically assume that there is little to no room for good taste and decency left in this world.
Being wrong has its rewards sometimes.
* I've discussed with many people upon countless an occasion the dislike I've developed for the sort of livejournal content - and the sort of user - that are frequently seen recounting tales of what they've had for lunch today and other informative bits of similar interest value. Sure, its a journal - but isn't there anything more interesting in one's day to address instead of what you've gorged yourself upon? Many defend this by saying that they've other journals where their more worthwhile thoughts and events are transcribed -- so why bother with this one at all? Bandwidith is a finite resource and, frankly, quite a few things up for glances through this fine medium we've got here aren't worth the bandwidth they consume.