Not all doctors are created equal. If you don't like your doctor's office, whether it's your GP or your OB/GYN, find a new one! I suffere through cramps and excessive flow every month for years. Finally, when there'd been just one time two many that Maria Perales couldn'y be arsed to see me within an hour of my appointment time, I changed OBGYN. Turns out that I required a med adjustment and a minor surgery; but since then, I've been in good shape, and very pleased with my new MD.
This. Having gotten the joy of being intimately familiar with the medical field due to chronic illness, I have learned that it is totally ok to "fire" my doc if s/he isn't listening to me. I had heavy flow that my doc kept telling me was normal...then I passed out and had to get several units of blood. So, if it doesn't feel right, get a second opinion.
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