The child got up *yes*! And he is in a better mood. His bad moods are mainly when you try and get him up and at night when his meds are probably wearing off/down. I just hate those downtimes :( I feel like such a looser. I am so not use to it :( and it's making me exhausted.
We hung out with Denise and her 2 boys. On Saturday we went to a park near Denise's place. It was nice. Busy but nice... I had Tatiana (the little dog) with me while Denise, J and the boys went on a paddle boat. We were there probably 2 hours. Eventually Denise took the camera and got some cool shots!
Denise and her kids stayed the night. Darren seemed to be miffed (he said he wasn't :irk: ). I know he didn't feel good but he hates cleaning and she made everyone clean (ha!). He has to be in the mood to clean (about twice a year). Man he was pissed but ya know, he is the kind of person who you must make do something... he is like a kid. Drives me crazy so I was so thankful she MADE everyone do something.
Sunday we went to a park near our house. We fed the ducks and the kids played on the toys. Darren, Joey and I were just fine and dandy. Denise and the boys were cold *hehehehee*. It was a nice day... and we got lots of photos :D
Today J and I are hanging out. He is still off this week. We are watching recorded movies, sitting next to each other, each on our own laptops. LOL. What a site are we!
Some pics from this weekend...
Denise, Joey, Zack and Sam
Joey and Sam
Trees at the park
Kind of a neat shot
Darren feeding the ducks and geese
Some ducks :)
At the park...