Title: If Music be the Food of Love
Chapter: 12/13
Genre: romance, humour, AU
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Henber (main), minor QMi, LunBer, other ninja pairings
Summary: When Donghae decides to skip his first two weeks at SM High, his twin sister Amber impersonates him and joins the prestigious performing arts school to meet her idol, Cho Kyuhyun. Hijinks ensue as she tries to keep from being found out by her roommate Henry, dealing with romantic mix-ups along the way.
A/N: Based on the movie She’s the Man, a take on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. The title is a quote from the opening lines of the play.
“You’re crazy.” Donghae shook his head in wonder. “I always knew going to LA must have damaged your common sense somehow, but this is beyond even my expectations.”